Where Is Mass. At This Point For Med.?

look up house bill 2160 under Massachusetts on google! should get link to mmp website, lots of info there on medical mj in mass! supposed to vote on it soon actually i think!
Not looking very good. Pretty pathetic push when this state has a history, recent history of listening to the will of the people. There doesn't seem to be any will. I think the problem is people are sick of politics. So they don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils and totally forget about the other issues such as rolling back taxes and of course the Medical Marijuana issue. I'd blame Norml and Masscann as well for not making a serious push. Like any organization they'll complain about fund. That's a cop out. Innovation and creativity is what is needed. The angle I just laid out is a good one.
Even though you still need a governor to sign the bill into law.