Where the chicks at?

in a girl???? ouuuu me lovie titties and booty.. there soooo fun to play with ...... and a girl has to be slim but needs a lil fat to coushin.... lol.... while were on this topic do u think it would ruin things if me and my bf got another gf??? i mean i know i'd be jelious and worried he'd leave me for her but like i know he want sumone else and i miss havin a gf... they understand me soo much better... but i would never leave my bf for a gf cause i left my ex gf for him.. well more of ignored her and got with him.. she looked to much like a penguin....
oh penguins! lol

if he wants someone else then you should definately not get another GF and might consider leaving him... but I don't know about your relationship and don't really have any exp with this...

I'm a self proclaimed free spirit (aka: can't hold a relaationship so I gave up)
dude ur stilllllllll in here like if i give you this weed cookie i have here will u go away or like could i make u a weed cake and u not be mean to me and like not be an ass.. cause i really wanna make friends here... not put out a bad rep on myself cause i like to argue(ima chick, so that wont really change) and im sorry i'll try not to ramble so much and babble... i just reallly really like talking to people... i get like no human interaction here where i am so this is my out thingy.... and yes i probley should pick up a dictonary and learn to spell cause i know its important... i just got off this dude who like went off on me cause i frogot to capitalize the A in america....... sooo please do not judge me before you know me

owie!!!!!!!! bongsmilie I'll pack my rips somewhere else.
not wants sumone else like that..... like u know guys... they all think there pimps... and i know he'd like it if he had two gf's... and i know he loves me as i do him.... before him my longest relationship was 3 months then the bastard cheated.. but me and my bf now been together for 4 years...sooo like sumone new to spice things up might be good...... ok new subject.... ummm.. did that guy leave or should i get to cookin his cake??? and where the heck is fried??? im gunna make a new thread that says "hey everyone come in here" lol but it might not work..... well see cause this room is called "toke n talk" so let all take a toke and talk!!!!
wait godsend dude.. ur not the other dude.. wait when did u get in here???? u were in here last night... i need to thank u... crap i should payattention to who i say things to... u guys have like the same pic... sorry please come back... here its a peace offering blunt.. lets all start over!!!! i bought some hella good shit and i wanna share it with yall!!!!! here *lites 2 blunts... passes on to godsend and one to lenny...* k???
lol every post of yours cracks me up and I think it's because I imagine the fairy saying all of it... well I'm going on a bike ride now :peace:
dude ur stilllllllll in here like if i give you this weed cookie i have here will u go away or like could i make u a weed cake and u not be mean to me and like not be an ass.. cause i really wanna make friends here... not put out a bad rep on myself cause i like to argue(ima chick, so that wont really change) and im sorry i'll try not to ramble so much and babble... i just reallly really like talking to people... i get like no human interaction here where i am so this is my out thingy.... and yes i probley should pick up a dictonary and learn to spell cause i know its important... i just got off this dude who like went off on me cause i frogot to capitalize the A in america....... sooo please do not judge me before you know me

Yeah i saw that shit..
Ill be sure not to fuck with you in the future :shock::lol:
maaan im fukked up i drank 14 brews to the face. and smoked alil some some
weres blood at? i need him to wash off the scuff marks off my jordans