dude. just eat like 2 or 3 points RIGHT NOW.
not even half a gram which is 5 points.
it wont do much but itll give ya a taste.
or what i call..."get silly".
its not tripping but enough to get you giggly.
dont be anxious or nervous. it is simply amazing.
the only thing when mushrooms take a wrong turn on you is when you simply eat too much.
the first 3-7 times i ever tripped, i ate wayyy too much and under estimated the power of them and went into a total mind fuck.
once you are in the trip, its total hell...but once you are back in your sober mind and reminisce over that trip....you wouldnt give up those memories for anything...
i would NOT recommend going over 1.75 - 2 grams until you have an understanding of the effects from fungus.
these are from me, personally. and i believe to be more sensitive to typtamines (like psilocin/psilocybin) than others...
0.5 grams dried - floaty feeling, slight laughter, slight mood change, lights are brighter, could compare this to being super high on some dank sativa. this is what i call "getting silly" (no where near tripping though)
1 gram dried - i seem to laugh at the stupidest things but very enjoyable, i consider this still "getting silly" but getting closer to a trip. i can see patterns and factals on surfaces and walls. slight kaleidoscope movement with patterns. i get slight auditory hallucinations, everything looks cartoony, and my mind is running pretty fast but its controllable/enjoyable.
1.75 grams dried - i get MAD trails and after imaging. when a fly flew by my face, i could see every little detail on the fly because my mind captured that image of the fly, like my mind took a picture and i could observe the fly in full detail for a few seconds. my mind can start to wonder off and start to think of personal thoughts. my emotions start to become unpredictable. objects seem to have auras. everything alive gives off energy.
id post more with higher doses but recently i havnt had that big of a dose to give effects from my experiences.
i have in the past but its been too long to put my finger around the effects.