Where to check


Well-Known Member
First off let me say, this will be my 2nd flower!!! I been on this site for a damn long time but due to choices I made I didn't grow for about 6 years! My first plant was such a fuck up I did everything like lst, over pruning, over feeding during flowering... And it hermi at some point, but there were super tiny seeds In it. I know I know im a noob!! I know to check trics with a microscope, but which part honestly? Do I wanna break off a small leaf, or do I wanna pull the plant out of my tent and check? I am just curious on how fellow growers do it!!! I'm at day 54 with a sativa (random buds I got from some dude that had a seed in it) and I will post some pics tomorrow when the lights are back on. Any help and advise would be muchly muchly appreciated!

I love RIU community!
don't judge by the trics on leaves as they tend to change color before trics on buds do for w/e reasons i'm not sure of tbh...
i just use one of those hand held cheapy microscopes that radio shack sells or you can order online, 60-100x.. i think they're under like $15 or so iirc.. umm, i just get it out and try to focus it on a piece of paper, newspaper with print on it, or any thing like that, before i get it near the bud, just to assure i can see through it and it's some what focused already.. then i try and put the mic. on the top of a bud, and kind of use the bud to balance the mic. with.. it takes a bit of practice and messing around with it, but you'll get it after a few tries..
it might also help to try and look at the trics without any lighting on, meaning turn off your led, or hps or mh before looking at the trics as the artificial lighting might through the color of the trics off, i'd think led would be the worst for this.
TYVM for you advice racerboy! I just took some pics and was wondering how many more weeks. Plant smells so good lol esp from a bagseed. Anyways Thank you again!!
don't judge by the trics on leaves as they tend to change color before trics on buds do for w/e reasons i'm not sure of tbh...
i just use one of those hand held cheapy microscopes that radio shack sells or you can order online, 60-100x.. i think they're under like $15 or so iirc.. umm, i just get it out and try to focus it on a piece of paper, newspaper with print on it, or any thing like that, before i get it near the bud, just to assure i can see through it and it's some what focused already.. then i try and put the mic. on the top of a bud, and kind of use the bud to balance the mic. with.. it takes a bit of practice and messing around with it, but you'll get it after a few tries..
it might also help to try and look at the trics without any lighting on, meaning turn off your led, or hps or mh before looking at the trics as the artificial lighting might through the color of the trics off, i'd think led would be the worst for this.

Mon Oct 24 09-03-21.jpg Mon Oct 24 09-06-13.jpg
Trichomes look cloudy to me- you are close but wait until you start seeing some amber color; maybe 1 -2 more weeks more but not now.

I did cut a tiny bit cus I was in a pinch and it was actually very good. But I will go by your advice! Thank you very much Ill post another picture in like 5 days!