Where to cut for topping and clones???


Well-Known Member
You top the highest growth. For cloning, try and get a few nodes under the top. The nodes will be close together, but you don't want to top too low and ruin the yield from your most developed top.

Have you thought of LST? You can clone lower growth and keep you most developed parts for harvest.


I top mine after 5 full nodes. I cut above the 3rd node from the bottom. The cutting will be my first clone. After the two new main tops have 4-5 nodes I'll cut above the second nodes giving me two more clones. Doing that will give me 8 main kholas and 3 clones. The first clone I took will stay in a solo cup for 3 weeks then transplanted into a 1 gallon pot.. As soon as I repot it I will flip it to flower. Small yields on the first clone but it also let's you sample the quality of the mother plant. Pic is the clone at 8 weeks after flip.20210427_145806.jpg
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go go kid

Well-Known Member
a few fan leaves to photosynthasise and that would realy build some bud. i still cant get my head around this removeing all the fan leaves, to me there your friend not an enamy, but ive never tried it, so maybe theres some merit i doing it


Severe nutrient burn. I up potted straight into ffof which was a mistake. Cut all the burnt plus a mm into green. Then flushed the crap out of it. That was a while back. Buds actually grew 3x the size they were so I'm happy with the recovery

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Hi guys any advice on where to top for a bushy plant as well as salvage some clones!!
if you have the space to let it grow, bottom branches make the best cuttings. i top some at 2 foot tall and take my cuts from the bottom brances


Well-Known Member
Severe nutrient burn. I up potted straight into ffof which was a mistake. Cut all the burnt plus a mm into green. Then flushed the crap out of it. That was a while back. Buds actually grew 3x the size they were so I'm happy with the recovery
Ocean forest isn’t really hot. My seedling mix has more nutrients. It all comes down to environment and how you water.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest isn’t really hot. My seedling mix has more nutrients. It all comes down to environment and how you water.
I am currently learning this lesson big time.

My soil is very, very hot and I'm toed up to nitrogen toxicity. If I don't water a certain way, my potassium starts to lock out.

It's not a balancing act I enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I am currently learning this lesson big time.

My soil is very, very hot and I'm toed up to nitrogen toxicity. If I don't water a certain way, my potassium starts to lock out.

It's not a balancing act I enjoy.
This whole growing thing is a giant balancing act honestly. Not just the watering game.