where to get cheap CFL in UK


nice plants ozone, have you ever done a grow with household cfls? would love some pics of them in flower


Active Member
nice plants ozone, have you ever done a grow with household cfls? would love some pics of them in flower

These are grown under standard CFL's I bought at an Albertsons Grocery Store.. some 2700k and some 6500k...

I do everything in an 18 inch by 22 inch space in a closet under standard lights, grown in dirt and some basic usually organic ferts.

It isn't the best setup, it isn't the worse.. keeps me supplied with my needs. For me it is perfect.

I harvested this round a bit early because I had 4 girls already a month into flower to take their place.. unfortunately I only have so much space..
was just gona recomend 3ch.co.uk ozone, its one of the best for prices i've seen so far. Also, growell.co.uk might be worth a look depending on what area you want to find a shop in.

A bit dubious about ebay, received a broken bulb.. managed to get refund and free lead tho