where to get Y adaptors..?


Well-Known Member
Ive searched and searched the internet for Y adaptors for lights and i cant find one place that sells them. can anyone link me to a site that does? i noticed alot of you here are from the states or canada. is there anyone here who is from the uk and can tell me which stores i can buy them from?.:confused:

...Also is it possible to put one Yadapter into another Y adaptor?

Thanks in advance guys. :joint:KeEp SmOkIn':joint:


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the help mate, im living in the UK though so its realy not worth shipping them here. anyone else living in the uk know where to get these from?


Well-Known Member
Most hardware stores carry them.. I would imagine it's the same in the UK. Yes, you can put a y-socket into another y-socket but don't get too carried away. you dont want to overload yer circut.



Well-Known Member
dam. i searched all the electrical shops around my area and none of them had them (the big branch stores and the small one branch stores):( im not sure why there not avaliable in the uk but this means im gonna have to buy twice as many light fixtures as i wanted to for my cfl setup. If ANYONE knows where in the u.k i could get my hands on a couple i wud realy appriciate if you post here.



Well-Known Member
Your local hard wear store should carry them if not maybe your local grow store (if you have one) should cary them to


Well-Known Member
sorry to dig up an old thread up but im also having loads of trouble finding these in the uk. litterally NO shop sells them here for some reason.

anyone know of a UK source of Y splitters? (other than paying shipping from the US)


Active Member
mabe they dont meet the building codes in the uk that why you cant find them. dunno but mabe. you might have to have them shipped from overseas


Well-Known Member
yea i live in australia and their not available here either. It sucks cause the people on ebay only ship to United states and canada.