where to order cannabis seeds to USA safely

so im in a shitty position, i just moved to the midwest and i dont know anyone, i live here with my wife how the hell am i gonna get some seeds if i cant get them shipped to me??
idk im going to have my seeds shipped to me but thats because there for next summer
for some guerrilla growing im growing right now but its just some bagseed but it was good weed that i got it from so i guess now i have to do is wait to see if it is male or female
Best advice i can give you is wait until you turn 18 , which is not fair off .... Get you a real job .... at Mickey Dee's or anywhere that pays you more then 50 bucks a month . Move out of the folks house , get you a place somewhere and practice a outdoor grow with some schwagg then get you some good seeds and try it ... Good Luck Bud
Best advice i can give you is wait until you turn 18 , which is not fair off .... Get you a real job .... at Mickey Dee's or anywhere that pays you more then 50 bucks a month . Move out of the folks house , get you a place somewhere and practice a outdoor grow with some schwagg then get you some good seeds and try it ... Good Luck Bud
i agree with u dude
it was my first time that i have ever orderd seeds so from the dr i got double gum from white lable was 28 plus 10 shipping and from kindseeds i got northern flame was 50 plus 10 shipping. this frieday im going to get some blueberry punch from kindseed and next week im going to get some ak47 from dr kindseed took 2weeks to get to me.
Never use attitude. I got some seeds that wouldnt even sprout. They even sent me these tiny white looking seeds. Multiple bad experiences w/ attitude. Since then i go to world wide marijuana seeds. Im on east coast and i get them in 9 days every time. You can buy 1 or as many as you want. If you spend 30 bucks you get 2 freebies. They are magnificent