Where to order Equipment


Active Member
I'm looking for the best site to order all my equipment for my grow trying to do Hydroponic system wanna build it myself so most of the stuff for that I will be getting from Lowes or Home Depot but I wanna get a 400Watt HPS Light and ballast for cheap and my nutrients any suggestions


Well-Known Member
You can also get some great deals for stuff on eBay. Don't forget to include the cost of the shipping in the price.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice if anyone has anymore let me know cause I'm still lookin around trying to get this grow right


Well-Known Member
I DO NOT recommend Stealth Hydro. Ordered from them once and had nothing but trouble. Support desk?......they're support desk needs a support desk! Heard lots of complaints from others about service and hydro systems. New England Hydro is good. I like Funny Farms in Petaluma, CA, and Plant It Earth in SF. Funny Farms doesn't have a website, Plant It does.