where to run exhaust


Active Member
I just got a cool tube with a 440 cfm fan for my 1000w hps. I watched a video called kop busters and it says not to run an exhaust directly outside because flir can pick it up. I was wondering what you guys have done.

luvvin growin

Active Member
I run mine straight outside,but then again the cops hardly ever fly over where I live.Have you considered trying to tie it in with any existing venting,or is that not an option.You could also have a cooler hooked right into the duct to cool the air.Many options.


Active Member
The attic. A crawl space. Another room, or better yet if you want to exhaust it by your dryer and share the same dryer vent exhaust then it will look like you are doing laundry for 12 hours a day. If anyone has FLIR on your house then that means they already have a warrant, and you are fucked.