where to start and what will i need?


so i want to start a grow because i would like to smoke something i have grown.

but i dont know where to start, i have a 250watt light (dont ask what it is because i dont know, but it has been used alot by a friend, from start to finish) i have seeds (these also came from a friend) and as you can tell im doing it on the cheep because i dont know what im doing yet haha.

any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/bong7bp.gif
God be with you, it will be tough, first you have to worry bout them little microscoptic bugs spider mites, then the insanity hits, watching each plant grow so slowly day after day after the veg state the flower oh the flower, thats when things get interesting, you grow slightly impatient because part of you says wow its actually happening flowers! buds! Other part of you is like how much is this gonna be? how much weed am i gonna get!! Then the time comes you see little trich that are not clear and its like yayaya im going to harvest, then you harvest, you get high come back to the forums like me now and man you feel good, i feel so good being high. So good. You get to say none sense crap to people. Like i am now. What am i even talking about.. I DONT KNOW. IM HIGH.. IM HIGH AND BY MYSELF NOOO. Growing weed is so fun
This shit be some kill.. I dont even know what it is but damn am i high, i am to high! what are you talking about again quigz i cant remembmer something about plants or something


haha. eddie your funny. i hope my weed is like yours :-D

is there anyone here thats not as high as eddie that can remember what im talking about long enough to help me?? PLEASE haha


Misguided Angel
check out the sticky's at the top of this forum, they have tons of info in them that you will need to know. I would get as much knowledge as possible before you even start the grow. If after reading and doing some research you still have questions then start asking and people will typically be willing to help. Good luck!


thanks for the advice people :-D im going to start researching because its something i want to start doing so i have my own smoke grown by me :-)


Well-Known Member
Read up on advice. Read lots and lots of advice. That's the best way to growing a good crop. No one can really tell you everything in one post. Reading up on growing marijuana might take time, but patience is a virtue. And in the end, you will be treated with much dank smoke :P


Active Member
hello quigz im on my first grow now an im 2 weeks in an ive been doin it by trial an error lol its kinda workin but the peeps on this site have been so much help cuz we're all doin the same thing tryin to grow our babies all big an strong so we can chop em down an get very high lol as most ppl have sed research is the best way to find things out but you'll probs end up doin some things wrong anyway lol as i have done :P im tryin 2 do things on the cheap lol but all i seem to be doin is buyin more an more things 4 her lol so good luck with your grow hope everythin goes well an wen you start it will be cool to see some pics etc :)

peace out :joint::roll:


Well-Known Member
As above ... Read ... keep reading .... ask questions ... Be polite ... read .... read ... go to bed and dream of reading ... get up wanting to read .... go to bed wishing you was not so tierd as you want to just keep reading .... While your eating your dinner ...eat fast so you can get back to reading ....ask more questions .... when your buddy calls and asks if you wanna go an hook up with some girls ... tell him " No im reading man " ....If you have a woman .... and she wants you to take out the trash ... DO IT .... But do it fast so you can get back to the reading ... ask more questions ..... plan your set up design ( AFTER READING HOW BEST TO DO IT ) and ask people to READ your idea ..... Spend vast amounts of money at a hydro store buying all your stuff .... and tell the guy at the store you have been reading up ...or he will sell you shit you don't want or need ... run home with all your new kit and by this time you will know where to put it all coz you have read it here first .

Good Luck man ... Happy reading :)

When your done reeading this message .... go and read this one .... this will give you a fair idea of what to expect ...



Good Luck and Have fun :)


thanks for all the advise. i am trying to raise some funds to buy good equipment. i am thinking of buying a 400w hps light, a grow tent, fan and carbon filter. when i have the money to do this i will be growing my seeds i have ( i have been told its white super skunk). i cant wait to start as it will be fun as well as rewarding :)