Where to Start Reading(Noob)?


I've been watching hour long videos on youtube on Cannabis Cultivation. Informative, I know the basics of plant cultivation...

Lights, pH, Vegging/Flower. Where should I start as a beginner? Would you recommend reading marijuana Bible? Right now all I'm doing is reading through forums. I've found 420magazine very helpful, as well as "GreenmansPage" ...is GreenMansPage a good source for information?


I'd agree, aim to identify everything you'll need to start growing. Pick your growing space, figure out how much of that space will be filled with plants, what lighting you'll need for that space and how you're going to going to cool the lights and ventilate the space. Then think about growing methods - soil or hydro, small numbers of big plants or big numbers of small plants, and how you're going to fill out your light footprint. Research SOG, SCRoG, LST, FIMing, topping and trimming as methods to control plant height and plant footprint. Once you know what kind of grow you're aiming for you'll be able to make an initial shopping list, and you'll learn a whole lot along the way.

Then search for grow journals from growers who have brought your chosen grow methods all the way from seed to harvest and read through their journals from start to finish. Any journal thread that has more than about 20 pages of posts will be a goldmine of information about the problems the grower ran into and the actions taken to fix them. Once you're happy that you know exactly what you want to do and what you need to buy to get there, go shopping, germ your seeds and then take it one step at a time.


I'd agree, aim to identify everything you'll need to start growing. Pick your growing space, figure out how much of that space will be filled with plants, what lighting you'll need for that space and how you're going to going to cool the lights and ventilate the space. Then think about growing methods - soil or hydro, small numbers of big plants or big numbers of small plants, and how you're going to fill out your light footprint. Research SOG, SCRoG, LST, FIMing, topping and trimming as methods to control plant height and plant footprint. Once you know what kind of grow you're aiming for you'll be able to make an initial shopping list, and you'll learn a whole lot along the way.

Then search for grow journals from growers who have brought your chosen grow methods all the way from seed to harvest and read through their journals from start to finish. Any journal thread that has more than about 20 pages of posts will be a goldmine of information about the problems the grower ran into and the actions taken to fix them. Once you're happy that you know exactly what you want to do and what you need to buy to get there, go shopping, germ your seeds and then take it one step at a time.
Thanks for your reply, exactly what I was looking for. Replies like these.


Well-Known Member
Location, location, location. All you decisions will spring from this one. Locations are physical,
mental, and emotional. I have pushed a grow forward for a few months now and all of challenges and
rewards revolve around the interplay of "locations."

EDIT: BTW, greenman is exactly where I started. Struck out with seeds from NL,
so got clone from my local mmj clinic. Location =

I found that a lot of planning can happen, but also frustration if the simple fact of location is not solved.
Simply put, your location matrix reduces all your decisions to what will work.

So, where can you grow says how you Can grow.
You mental outlook will say how much stress and resonsibility you Could shoulder.
How fit are you says how you Will grow there.

When my research started going in circles, then it was time to start. Time to decide location.
- build a mini-green house?
- throw seeds in the woods?
- plant in a container?
- stadium grow in a closet?
- soil or soiless?
- seeds or clones?

And MrBosco's list of terms are only the beginning. Localize your understand to your unique situation.
In Cervante's work, he says you can't grow under a kitchen sink. But, you can certainly clone and germinate there. Be creative. You have to know your own resources, including yourself. Then jstdoit. It is a learn as we grow process. Check the grow journals. I'm a few months in to a computer controlled grow.
I'm a real geek and enjoy twiddling with tech. There is every kind of location, location, location.