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t i found and forgive me i am in no way trying to discredit anyone or anything, i too smoked soe amazing bud way back that was supposedly mtf but then when i got around to wanting to gro this myself well this is what i find in multiple places and not one person can tell me the heritage or really much of anything, besides hearsay.That being said just because this was printed online doesn't mean it is true but it does seem to ring true the way it was written.

Matanuska Thunder Fuck Myths:
To start, I have more than 20 years of experience with cannabis, beginning with guidance from my father. I feel sure that there are few people who know as much about MTF as I do. My family has lived in the Matanuska Valley/Palmer since 1940, well before Alaska was even a state.

* There is/was a strain named MTF/Matanuska Thunder Fuck- Any PREMIUM cannabis from the valley is called MTF.
* Cannabis finishes flowering outdoors in the valley- Unless cannabis is auto-flowering it will grow large because of the long, bright days during summer, but it will never reach maturity before the cold and rain kill it. Light deprivation is the way to go.
* This so-called strain named MTF needs a frost before harvest to yield maximum resin- Most cannabis is severely damaged if it does survive a frost. NOT RECOMMENDED!
* This so-called strain named MTF is native to Alaska- NO cannabis is native to Alaska, or even the Americas. Try the Asian continent.
* There are only mainstream strains in Alaska- If you know someone who's been growing in the valley since cloning caught on in the early 80's, you could possibly come across some of the old school clones, but I'd say it's improbable. Most don't even know where the clones that they get originated from. Of people making seeds, few really understand the science behind it, and the seed stock really doesn't compare to anything available on the world market. Although the work of quite a few commercial breeders is nothing to write home about, the few who do possess the knowledge won't reveal themselves or their methods for fear of loosing decades of hard work. And yes, they do possess genetic stock outside the world seed market. They're still hoping things will change and one day they will step up.
* Cannabis is now only allowed for registered patients in Alaska- You can legally posses up to 28.35 grams in the PRIVACY of your home. Growing up to 24 plants is a misdemeanor. Although, according to one attorney he personally keeps up to four ounces (113.4 grams). Privacy, meaning no one can see it from a window or doorway outside your house.
* Law enforcement in the valley can get warrants based on odors or abnormally high electric bills- They must be able to show probable cause that you are selling/distributing, cultivating(cannabis), or that you possess more than is allowed for personal use.

I think the lesson to take away from this is, what is being done in places like Amsterdam, Spain, UK, California, and Canada can be done anywhere on this planet. It has been done on ships in international waters, a shopping mall in Florida, even Antarctica. So, wherever you're at, you can grow MTF quality cannabis. Just remember, the more you educate yourself on the subject, ie., lab work, experiment, and cultivate, the more likely you will grow true THUNDER FUCK!

Disclaimer: In no way is this to be construed to be an advocation to break the law. I am not a lawyer, and in no way should you consider this legal advice. This is my view and I encourage you to discover truth for yourself.

Addition (from a medical grower/researcher (Ph.D.)): A medical clone called "Matanuska Valley Thunder Fuck" (or MVTF) ended up in Oregon. It is said to be a cross between "golf bud" and the "original" Matanuska Thunderfuck, both created in Alaska. The flavor is a pungent orange-citrus and is unmistakable--the aroma, once burnt, will fill a room. The clone also went by the name "Tange" (short for Tangerine). It is a prolific producer of high quality flowers and is the earliest flowering outdoor plant I have ever grown.

It begins flowering by July 5th at 45 degrees N and finishes the first weeks of September. One of the single-best medical clones to grow outdoors--period. This particular clone is now available in several California dispensaries as well.

The Matanuska Valley is well known for its exceptional ability to grow vegetables. MTF is not so much a strain. It refers to virtually any marijuana grown in the Matanuska Valley. The Matanuska valley is a location that has an optimal growing season and extremely fertile soil. Consequently, seeds bought from the mainstream seed banks/breeders tend to grow to their optimal potential in the valley. Most old timers, like my old boss who lived there, grew and kept most of their yield for family and friends. The winter is long up here. I am always skeptical when I hear people talking about actually having some "MTF" in the lower 48.

Correction written by Mat-M.T.F. Genetics-Palmer, Alaska


Well-Known Member
alright, so im at 853 now, if anyone gave me rep i take my total minus 853? is that the only way? Im still never gonna know like that.


Well-Known Member
alright, so im at 853 now, if anyone gave me rep i take my total minus 853? is that the only way? Im still never gonna know like that.

Top right of screen, "my rollitup". Click that and scroll down. It will tell you how much you have, how much rep power you have, who gave it to you (with comments) and who you gave it to.

I only post so I can see where I was rep wise in time. It don't mean a thing, but it's nice to see who likes you, who really, really, likes you.


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I only post so I can see where I was rep wise in time. It don't mean a thing, but it's nice to see who likes you, who really, really, likes you.

Oh I really like you clayton, I really reallyyyy like you....and your hookers:)


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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
The issue is him being able to come back with a new account and be treated as a human being.
I tried treating him as a human and he started with his arrogant "i am the best" yada yada attitude within 4 posts. You know I like and respect you PP but I believe you are backing the wrong horse here. Time will tell. I've seen you post that he is a "nice young man" before. Well, it doesn't appear to be the case here at riu. I hope he doesn't end up making you look foolish.

Well, people are going to have personality conflicts. That's life.
agreed. but It's not the personality conflicts that are the problem brass. it's the way you carry yourself around here. It would be nice if you would just talk about how good you are doing without putting everyone else down in the process.

Nothing wrong with being proud of your work. From what I have heard you have every reason to be proud. You act like everyone should kiss your feet tho and this simply will not happen. I believe you confuse confidence with arrogance based upon previous posts of yours. No one likes an overly arrogant person.

I say these things with all due respect, in an effort to keep the peace. Hopefully my efforts are not wasted.

spread the love man, spread the love.

....or not...your call really.


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