Where'd everybody go ?


Well-Known Member
....Seems like when the "like" button broke down a lot of regular posters disappeared. Geez, did it mean THAT much to people to get a pat on the back or something?

I'm lookin at threads like a day old seedling and "Does everything look like its ok to you?"
Or, another seedling planted in something that looks like shredded wheat "How does it look to you?"
"So what is the best kind of mollassas to use...?"
"Don't laugh at me I have Downs "
JFC come back people.
There's so many mj info sites poppin up these dayz that RIU might look like myspace soon. The Tapatalk app sux & now that everyone has a smartphone other sites apps may be pulling away market share- just an observation. I don't think it's just the like button it's more than that. All these younguns want a pretty format for their device IMO
Sorry, I've been in the basement urging my plants to grow faster. I'm at that awkward stage where I'm down to my last few buds and harvest is still a couple of months off. Yikes!
from 2009

I know I've been gone for a while, but I've only seen 3 people I know so far. And where's the Biggest Thread in RIU History? I thought that thing would NEVER die!

Where are the OGs at? Where are my rep whores? *sniffle* I come back and you guys are all GONE! *sob*

.....just seems that way when prolific posters take a break. :)
Thanks for the input...
I guess it is true that the same questions all the time gets a little old. This place though has always been very tolerant of that. Its probably the first thing I noticed when I came over here from " the other place" Over there, they are not very tolerant of the same questions and tend to blast the op right away
It just seemed as though the conversation really went south lately and coincidentally <- (Spell check) the "like" button went away too.
I guess the bigger question is "How much molasses should I use?"
It was sucking up their bandwidth.
Just helping out and sometimes getting a "thank you" is more then enough for me.
At my age, I felt that it's time to share instead of keeping what I've learned over the years under lock and key with armed guard selfishness.
Even though some of the questions are asked almost several times a week. I still find it better to help then chide them for not knowing something some of us find as "should have known" before you started...

That's just my 2 cents!
It took being put in my place, to get me on the right track in being a member here. Screw "pride". I see stupid around here plenty ("spooge as a fert" or "soil is gay" and plenty of others). It's still entertaining to see the follow up posting to that crap. I mean, come on,,,who can't make fun of that shit!
But in the long run, it is easier for me to ignore the morons now. Then to attack "someone" who doesn't agree with my view. Patients is a two way street. I do agree it is calmer around here....NICE!