Most people wont have the time to read through that 1000 page thread before they are acknowledged. To top it all off those pages are full of more useless "clogging" than any other I have seen. What number of gg#4 thread is it now, like the 3rd or 4th?
I know when I asked a simple question like "does this look like the glue?" I was told to go back and read the whole thread and find out for yourself.
Spitxfire you have been a member here since Monday? and have 5 posts, yet seem to know all the asshats and shitheads on riu already. Is this a sock puppet account? Or your only riu handle?
Anyone can make an account claiming to be someone that they are not. Many people use 2 accounts because they are shady individuals afraid to voice their real opinions in public. Not saying you are, just asking if you are.
I use the same name on Ic and riu, you should remember me from the glue thread. When I tried to introduce myself and ask if the glue would be at the Canna Cup, got ignored, posted my rant, then got a barrage of very public gtfoh's.
I can post it all for you if you dont remember. But here is a pic that might jog your memory.
Here we welcome all sizes, shapes and skin colors. Consider this a personal invitation to my gg#4 thread, where I will be sharing my experience with the gg#4 and the glue-minati.
We dont tolerate this shit. Its 2015
Only account here. I don't know if that was a weak back handed call out or a serious question. Look at my handle here and then look for my avatar on the glue thread, you'll find out who I am quite quickly. I also post under this handle at other forums..Why do you care to be acknowledged?I've never been openly acknowledged by any of the original glue crew. Who cares? Sounds like you want validation. There are tons of informative posts that most likely already went over whatever it is you were talking about. Any verification done online, you couldve done it yourself. Unless you got a sour dubb, the glue structure is pretty apparent. Plus I see PF, and JW still to this very day, helping people identify their glues, so idk what to tell you bout that.
Yes theres tons of clogging. But unless its friendly banter, then the cloggin was due to asshats anyways- it seems like every 10 pages or so, theres another kid who never even smoked it claimin its far from top shelf, when any of us who run it knows he's full of it.
I didn't need to be here long. When I saw PF get into it with this Dan kone fella, and half the posters here agreeing with Dan Kone, due to his "well known" and 'guru' like status I knew there was a good amount of circlejerking, blind leading the blind and shitheads(i.e. dan kone) that post. I'm sure the majority of you guys are cool, but why would I want to be a member of a site where shouting down is just as if not more accepted than truthful info? Pretentious twits suck everywhere, they just suck here just a bit harder. VVV case in point. ALthough these type of threads always garner these attitudes, so maybe I'm seeing an unfair light of this site.
@marquezmurder OMRI is shit, and means absolute fuck allI Do blame the growers out here, the dispensary weed sucks dick. Your right though, it is mostly the method that makes the dope. However I refuse to support GH because its owned by Monsanto. So do me a flavor, don't act like I don't know what I'm talking about because my Jim Bob and Jay are actually reputable Chemists that have worked for multitudes of neut company's, delt with OMRI listing and the whole 9. When i listen to people, its people with Evidence not just an opinion. These guys are in Cali currently creating some of the best oil i have ever seen smoked.
Also this thread is a cock walking joke, unless you have lab tested percentages, put your dick back in your pants. Nice photo btw, I had some brick reg photos I was gonna post as a joke.