Which 2Cs Have You Tried???

Which 2C's Have You Tried???

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Well-Known Member

I just wanted to establish the fact that 5-MeO is a more powerful visual substance then N,N. :-)
From lots of personal experience, 5-MeO is not that visual at all. It is a more intense experience, but N,N is waaaaaaaay more visual.


Well-Known Member
well is it easier to grasp what your actually experiencing on 5meo??? in what ways is it diffrrant than n,n??
Basically 5meo makes you feel like you're dying. Everything gets really bright and you see a white light. Its really just a super intense feeling of your body separating from you.
N,n is just plain old awesome. Tons of visuals. Gives your body a great feeling too. It is more spiritual too imo. You'd much prefer regular dmt over the 5meo


Well-Known Member
well being that Ive never had the experience of either. I guess i would start with n,n ... I have been told that 5meo is not as special in that spiritual kinda way. more of a mind fuck- BUCKET HEAD


Its like on 5MEO you experience all these weird feelings but without no euphoria or special connection, much like you experience with a deliriant, you experience visuals but your mindstate is wiped out of all emotional connections to the experience itself. N,N is what dreams are made of, birth and death too... theoritically speaking ;)
well being that Ive never had the experience of either. I guess i would start with n,n ... I have been told that 5meo is not as special in that spiritual kinda way. more of a mind fuck- BUCKET HEAD


Its like on 5MEO you experience all these weird feelings but without no euphoria or special connection, much like you experience with a deliriant, you experience visuals but your mindstate is wiped out of all emotional connections to the experience itself. N,N is what dreams are made of, birth and death too... theoritically speaking ;)
Seriously speaking.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
Personally, I haven't tried 5MEO but heard its less visual and more of a mind scheme!

i guess there could be some kind of subjective experience to each individual user to some degree. But then again thats not coming from personal experience. My tryptamine experience is limited...:leaf: mine mainly being pea's


Active Member
I have also heard that N,N is what to go for given the choice, but 5-Meo is also good, but I've tried neither (lack the privacy to make it and whenever i mention it to any connections around here they're like "Dee-Em-Whut?") so read into that what you will

Just my 2 english pence


Well-Known Member
I have also heard that N,N is what to go for given the choice, but 5-Meo is also good, but I've tried neither (lack the privacy to make it and whenever i mention it to any connections around here they're like "Dee-Em-Whut?") so read into that what you will

Just my 2 english pence
Yeah, when I mention DMT to my buddies they have a stern dumbfounded look on their face... I'm like nevermind :lol: