Brevity, The Soul Of Wit!
New Member
What are the people on heres feelings on TCB-2?
What are the people on heres feelings on TCB-2?
After much research, I still can't figure if it's hallucinogenic or not!What are the people on heres feelings on TCB-2?
What are the people on heres feelings on TCB-2?
Jesus Christ this is fucking annoying all my posts now apparently must me Moderated. So I'm guessing now all my posts must me looked over by a Mod!
2C-BCB has a dose damn near the same as LSD and some say it's effects are amazing while chemists say it's psychedelic action is likely barely noticeable. Sounds fun right?
The 2c chemicals are phenethlymines a class of psychedelic chemicals fairly similar to mdma although much more psychedelic and less amphetamine. They generally feel like you are rollin mdma mixed with a psychedelic trip. If you are considering experimenting with these drugs start small low doses maybe try a tryptamine these are less harsh the trip is shorter and it is much easier on the body. ALWAYS know your source and don't experiment with drugs you aren't comfortable with.
Thanks. Is it hard to extract and is it even close to peyote?8-12 inches of San Pedro.
but you could make a tea or extract the mescaline.
Alexander Shulgin the creator of most 2c's is 80 something and still using these chems.
Never too old my friend.
Sweet thanks dude and im glad to see your not too mad about the black jokes on the racist joke thread for I was only kidding! Allot of those jokes were funny tho.Same as peyote. Both have Mescaline as the main active alkaloid. Only with peyote you eat less.
I never extracted, but it seems pretty easy for someone that is determined to get it done.
there are guides on the internet.
You can fuckers have all the good shit.
You can get it all over most cities.