Which 5 dead people would you smoke with?


Well-Known Member
Bob Marley
Terence McKenna
My grandmother (She really needed it in the last years of her life, if only it was legal then to ease her pain)
Frank Sinatra


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Hitler. Just to see if I could make a difference.
Ben Franklin. Then we would surf the web and hit tht strip club.
Einstein. As if I could keep up.
Billie Holiday. And more.
And fucking Plato. Yeah. Plato. Dana Plato,


Well-Known Member
Any of you turds mention Hunter S. Thompson?
No. I had a couple beers and some Chivas with him. It was not that special. But I can't really judge. He was hired on and probably just wanted to get laid and go to bed. Teas toward the end. My only friend.


Well-Known Member
Alex Graham Bell...
Ben Franklin...
#5-My Grandpa Sand... [My Dad's dad] whom left the Earth a young 65 years...
I wish I could just learn what he knew... I was too young to understand everything he told me...
However, some of those things are just so true today...


Well-Known Member
yeah, for sure some friends that passed, tupac. odb an actual knight templar, (like from horseback time) audrey hepburn just cause shes one of the early short-haired gorgeous women, dan daly (won 2x MOH), KURT COBAIN, and all the actors from reefer madness.