Which deficiency

Sometimes its better to ask around and wait for a bit. Being a first time grower myself, I know the feeling of wanting to fix things right away haha. Sounds like things are getting sorted out tho.

Also, @hotrodharley posted this on one of my threads. It's an interesting read.
Glad to see @hotrodharley is still fighting the good fight against the flushing madness. End of harvest flushing is utter bullshit. Unmitigated fuckery, ludicrous hogwash, pathetic balderdash, and worst of all; pseudoscientific group-think.

Hope OP’s girls are healthy and happy, cheers!

Hey maybe you do need cal mag, I dunno? I doubt it, even with RO. I have an RO machine but I use tap for my plants, it usually makes more sense to me to go that route.
Looking at the plant this morning the yellowing is gone but turned white. My conclusion is full spectrum was heating the leafs up to much and cooking the water out of them making them white and the yellow was a mag deficiency due to using RO water. Solution: use half feeding of cal mag on waterings and only use the veg or bloom switch not full spectrum. Dont have the height to get the light far enough away on full spec.
Looking at the plant this morning the yellowing is gone but turned white. My conclusion is full spectrum was heating the leafs up to much and cooking the water out of them making them white and the yellow was a mag deficiency due to using RO water. Solution: use half feeding of cal mag on waterings and only use the veg or bloom switch not full spectrum. Dont have the height to get the light far enough away on full spec.
Huh? Sounded like everything was getting figured out so why not listen to the advice given? The people helping you were some of the more knowledgeable on RIU.

And the spectrum of light doesn’t burn plants like that haha. If anything, maybe the optics/lens of some LED’s will create hotspots but nothing about your picture points to lighting issues.

The only thing I see is droopy leaves which usually points to poor watering habits.

If people are advising you to ease up on the nutes, then leave her alone for a bit. Give her some space and time to grow. At this rate, I believe you’re just drowning / poisoning your plants.
One plant is completely healthy and prone to like no diseases. Amnesia haze the one im struggling with is prone to lots of things. My leaves are droopy due to the deficiency as the plant hasnt been watered for 2 and a half days now and almost dry. I listen to everyone on here but it seems like im just get nit picked at for technique so im not getting answers. I could type up my whole routine but no one would read that book so i dont but its not over watered as i only water every 3 days or when first inch or two of soil is dry. Im feeding them both 1/2 strength nuts on sundays and they are both fine but back to the problem of its a magnesium deficiency for sure and i addressed it as i should have
One plant is completely healthy and prone to like no diseases. Amnesia haze the one im struggling with is prone to lots of things. My leaves are droopy due to the deficiency as the plant hasnt been watered for 2 and a half days now and almost dry. I listen to everyone on here but it seems like im just get nit picked at for technique so im not getting answers. I could type up my whole routine but no one would read that book so i dont but its not over watered as i only water every 3 days or when first inch or two of soil is dry. Im feeding them both 1/2 strength nuts on sundays and they are both fine but back to the problem of its a magnesium deficiency for sure and i addressed it as i should have
Lol, ok, good luck.
due to the deficiency as the plant hasnt been watered for 2 and a half days now and almost dry.

when i grew with FFOF it often took more than 2.5 days to dry out after a proper watering. best way to judge if you're overwatering is to fill one of your same sized growing containers with DRY FFOF and then compare the weight. you shouldn't water until they weigh about the same. (i.e. verrrry light)

i think if you're watering unamended FFOF every 2 days overwatering is a definite possibility. i speak from experience having done just that and got fungus gnats.

i dont see any deficiency in your pictures.

good luck!
I don't know what is going on, but ph can be huge- I had plants a while ago that had extremely droopy leaves, like wet paper towels, and it was not overwatering- turns out the ph was just really high-(almost 9.0)- well i added a healthy dose of some vinegar water and looked like completely different plants in a few hours.
Ima let it dry up a bit and see which direction i wanna go. After adding a little cal mag the plant looks a little better so ima dose with just that and see where it goes

What you ACTUALLY DID was only replace the minerals that were stripped during the reverse osmosis process.

If you used tap , it has calcium and magnesium still in it ( plus other shit that is in it anyways ) .
Never used RO / distilled. You water the grass , trees , shrubs , flowers outside with TAP.

Your potted container is NO DIFFERENT. The base reason we “ PH “ is to get the RANGE of best uptake of all necessary elements that cannabis needs ... this is why most bagged soil is prebuffered, to take out the fuss. To PROVIDE an environment conducive to bacterial growth that helps breakdown elements for plants to utilize. There is absolutely NO REASON to use special water unless the municipal sources are fucked up like the gangi river.

Chlorine / chloramine are what most people try to temper but there are elements and toxins in ALL water that will never be removed. Mine comes in at 7.2 ... during INITIAL early stage growth I just water it straight from a watering can to FFOF . World did not end .... zombies did not rise up , rivers did NOT turn to blood.

FFOF is not exclusive to cannabis , it’s used in all gardening and use it for tomatoes and chilies, no problems. Some people recycle it for more use. CALMAG is one of those TOOLBOX ingredients that have been needed time to time , but most run start to finish without.

Your leaf issue was a result of RO water. That is why it came around when you added cal mag back.
My well water is 7.2 and I've never had a cal or mag deficiency while using it.
I always like to keep things as simple and uncomplicated as i can.
When you start throwing a ton of different products at your plants you will have issues, guaranteed!
Don't over complicate the process and you'll be much happier doing your grow.