Which Dimmers Mean Well Driver


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a couple mean well hlg 320 2100B drivers and need to order some dimmers for them, which dimmers should I be ordering? There a link on how to wire them properly somewhere?

thanks all
I got a 1000k ohm pot from radio shack. Works ok, but it doesn't start dimming until the knob gets past about the half way mark down and only dims to about 50%.
I got a 1000k ohm pot from radio shack. Works ok, but it doesn't start dimming until the knob gets past about the half way mark down and only dims to about 50%.
You probably purchased an "audio taper" pot and not a "linear taper" one. That's why you don't see the nice gradual dimming.
I understand its a mega ohm. I guess I just don't quite understand how they work. I figured a 1 mega would be able to make it more dim =).
AFAIK the DIM +/- leads are just a .0001A constant current source. As you increase resistance, voltage increases due to ohms law. You need a 100k ohm potentiometer to get 10V, and thus full power from the driver. The reason for the 10k resistor is to keep minimum power at 10% as the HLG does not have a dim-to-off function. You could also wire up a couple of switches with different value resistors if you only want to switch between a couple levels of brightness.