Which egg to hatch next?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, I've decided to crack open a new seed, since all I have at the moment is Lemon Skunk.

I will germinate one seed at a time, until I find a female.
I have no intention on breeding, unless it's an incredible Male Pheno.

The female will be bonsai'd with my other mother, or maybe I'll keep a clone to bonsai, and flower the seedling.

If she performs well, I'll keep her. If not, she is removed and I start the process over.

I have a lot of seeds. I need you to help me decide RIU!
I have these two unmarked clear capsules, filled with seeds.
I believe they are Headband / Trainwreck, but I'd have to identify it later,
which could be impossible.

So basically, seeds are as follows;

Clear Capsules, maybe Headband? maybe Trainwreck? Two capsules.
Purple Dragon
Bagseed from some nice frosty & leafy 'popcorn' shaped bud, not like lower buds.
A select batch of bagseed from a very large stash of supposedly very good genetics.
A nearly black seed from above batch. It caught my eye.
And a pair of seeds from who knows where.

That's pretty much the only seeds I'm interested in cracking right now.


Well-Known Member
Useless thread as of now, let it die.
I will hatch the Purple Dragon,

It will have it's own journal.
See you there:leaf:


Active Member
I know this thread is a couple weeks old. Purple Dragon sounds awesome! I cant wait to see what comes out of that. Good luck.