which game system?


Well-Known Member
say there's a sale going on in a best buy or wherever else you may go, for 30min ONLY these systems are on sale: PS4 for $289, the xbox one for $189 and a wii u for $169. which one would you run to first.
PS4. I've been a Sony fan since the first Playstation and I have never been disappointed with their consoles.
I hoard games, I'd get me and two other people to buy one of each. BUT if that's not an option and I had to pick one, the PS4. I love my ps3 more than my 360 lol. And the Wii U has been looking like boring tuna.
Xbox all the way! Better online experience. Oh yeah, Sony will make you pay for their online as well (same price as Xbox).
PS 4 all the way. You think Xbox is a good company that has completely back tracked on almost everything since their reveal? Their ideas of "good ideas" are nothing but idiotic and a true pita for everyone. Sure they may have revoked a lot of their unsettling issues but what makes us think it will not go back to those original ideas? They will. They are a company that's not for the gamer, not anymore. . .
I disagree. The eco-system of choice dwarfs all else. I just got a windows 8 laptop, and sure enough there is my xbox seamlessly offering games and glass. The user experience has really changed in the last 5 years since I upgraded, but I been with then since the beginning.

The junk reputation is well deserved I'll give you that. It is kinda like the Harley Davidson story.

You either get it and stick with it or you don't. :) Do you get to download a lot of demos? Because I rarely pay for games anymore.
I would go with the PS4, but not really, cause my PS3 works flawlessly and I'm not a got to have it cause it came out type of dude. I also have every single playstation 1 2 and 3. I would like to get my hands on another 3DO though.
pc , console is horrible for actual gaming that takes skill.
I disagree, at least for FPS's. It is way easier to point and click than to kick-ass in FPS's with a controller. Also, with PC's, the playing field is not level. Better computers, better monitors etc. gives one player a significant edge over others. Not to say that PC gaming isn't grand, it surely is but the skill issue isn't valid in my humble opinion.
I disagree, at least for FPS's. It is way easier to point and click than to kick-ass in FPS's with a controller. Also, with PC's, the playing field is not level. Better computers, better monitors etc. gives one player a significant edge over others. Not to say that PC gaming isn't grand, it surely is but the skill issue isn't valid in my humble opinion.
fps console = spray kills
pc fps , = accuracy skills.
fps console = spray kills
pc fps , = accuracy skills.

Although you are right about PC's for games (you know, like WOW) they do look better but, they do not take any more skill than a console. In fact, most PC games are so hacked that it is not even fun to play online. Now granted, there were hacks and mods (modded controller on MW 2 made me so mad) on xbox and ps but, nowhere as bad. Also, as stated before, quality of pc makes a HUGE difference in game play. Anymore, all they do is take console games and convert them to PC and the communities are much smaller.
im specifically speaking competition wise console sucks compared to pc , and i believe that pc takes more skill than some 12 year old on an xbox spraying and getting kills. that pc takes skills and accuracy to play