Which God Is Right?


New Member

If all gods might actually be flavors of the same Higher Power,
and all gods claim themselves to be true and damn everyone else to hell,
then how old do I have to be to exert enough control over my life to pick a non-judgmental,
mythical being that I can get my mind's eye around to watch over me so I can save Myself?

Perhaps a mod god would fit the above definition?

Do any other Gods fit the bill?

Must I believe in gods before I can use the word?

Will believers from The Levant damn me for using it?

Whose criteria of God must I choose so I can also believe in the Ethic Of Reciprocity?

Do people feel frustrated when things get complicated and their logic is stripped?

Do people feel strongly enough in their God to recommend it to others if asked?



Well-Known Member
If all flavors of gods claim themselves to be true and damn everyone else to hell, then how do I pick one to believe so I can save Myself?

There is only one God.

The flavors of God are the way many different beliefs perceive him.

If you truly want to pick one flavor, and you truly believe in a God, then pray for guidance.


New Member
Yes, the idea that you can't control urself without a mythical being watching and judging you borders on the infantile.

Grow up.


Well-Known Member

If all gods might actually be flavors of the same Higher Power,
and all gods claim themselves to be true and damn everyone else to hell, then how old do I have to be to exert enough control over my life to pick a non-judgmental,
mythical being that I can get my mind's eye around to watch over me so I can save Myself?

Perhaps a mod god would fit the above definition?

Do any other Gods fit the bill?
So you are saying that God has to fit your criteria before you will acknowledge him.

Why do you keep saying Gods (Plural) like there are multiple gods with different personalities.

If that is your belief then pick one from mythology, there are many there.

If you don't know what age you have to be to exert enough control over your life to make a decision, then it sounds to me like you are being forced into a belief that you are not comfortable with.

Stop making this so complicated.

As was stated in the above post. Start with yourself. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

I do not judge any one for their beliefs. Whether you believe in a god is up to you.

past times

Well-Known Member
who knows, there could be a boat load of gods just hanging out up there. haha

in seriousnous though, most religions follow the same principals, do good, avoid evil...Seems like a pretty simple cncept. Kind of my believe that if you mostly do good, and stay away from the evil, then whatever is after life, you should be set.

If you want a specific entity to prey or meditate or whatever to, then pick one if it helps you.


New Member
Is only one with feelings strong enough to respond some crackpot atheist whose god is a blank page in a God Book?

Is everyone silently watching while the child is molested?

Myths are as much Human Reality as are our children.

There have always been storytellers.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i agree on the idea that all these "gods" are just different conceptions of either the same god, if it were to exist, but as it is, i'm with cracker and prefere living in reality.


New Member
If one needs the comfort of myth ... so be it.

It's nothing to brag about however. It shouldn't be automatically encouraged in our youth.


Well-Known Member
The spirituality - sexuality - philosophy part of the forum depresses me. Especially when it pertains to it being the philosophy section;what a waste.

Same questions, just different dressings - Same people, just different flavors - Same positions, just different problems.

I can bet, only a handful of people use this section of the forum for anything productive let alone anything else besides flaming about religion and how 'everyones stupid but me. Right? Wrong?...Shut up..
All I ever end up doing while reading or posting alike is witnessing again and again, time after time loop holes, logic sinks and paradoxical deductions.
Most of the theists (And some of the atheists) simply don't get it here.

Why don't you guys, instead, make threads simply discussing your religion. As a subject, not as a belief. Just toss out information, and the rest of you fuckers can simply read and ask constructive questions about it therein feeding to the actual conversation. What the fuck does anyone gain in the threads that have come up so far? I don't know about you guys, but I haven't gained a thing besides sheer and utter distaste. Well, that was there beforehand to be fair, but you're not helping it.


Anything! If you're knowledged on it: start threads.
If you are NOT knowledged on it: Read threads and ask constructive questions to gain your answers and insights.

Why does a harmless Q&A always have to come off to people as an attack against there fuzzy warm places? It's honestly making me sick.