which greenhouse strain is the best


New Member
oh yeah and i never said all greenhouse strains are shit i just said that i've found some nice plants but they've taken me a hell of a lot of seeds to find, wheras with other fem seeds i can just pop one seed and be fairly confident in what i'm going to get. i'm growing alaskan ice and lemon skunk now so i'll let you know what i think of the finished article in the new year.


New Member
havent grown the other two but lemon skunk looks like a winner, you just gotta fiond the right one. if you really want a nice lemon tasting strain though do a search for lemon larry og kush by elite genetics :)


Well-Known Member
ive been growing ghsc for the last 5-6 yrs now along with other strains from a range of seed banks, id have 2 agree partly with what u said, in terms of arjan ripping ppl's strains off, but in over 15 years trying nearly every seed bank, ive found them to be ok, if we looked at things in terms of ripping off nothing would ever be accomplished for eg. AK a legendary landraces strain that originally comes from pakistan or afganistan,shantibaba bred it named it after his daughter's an now its his no one complaining about how the original grower never got his prop's so where are the real breeder's ??? not in the uk/us/or europe as we cant all pop over and grab em, ppl like sensi/serious/ghsc do it for u, adding there own twist some good some bad.
But overall making unavailable strains available to the public, i do agree that ghsc are like nike when it comes to advertising but as for there strains the 1's ive tried they've been on the ball of course the original genetics are superior like cheese for eg. but ghsc can still go for top dollar and has overall better yield i was pulling 7.5 oz of one clone grown in a ten ltr pot in b&q's cheapest soil, keeping in mind a oz of cheese sell's between £160-£200 it all depends how u look at it even top seed banks like sensi seed fuck with there genetics as the ww i had in 1994 isnt the same as what they sell as white widow now


Well-Known Member
I find that since I'm paying around $35 to $50 tops, for 10 fem seeds from GH... that to me is WORTH giving a try. I don't have the reasoning to pay anywhere near $200 for 10 beans from some of them so-claimed "top notch" seedbreeders. I think GH probably offers pretty good shit for what they cost. When I become pro... then I'll search for the missing link, as far as rare and THE BEST out there, strain-wise.

I plan on giving Lemon Skunk for sure, and maybe even some Big Bang or Trainwreck a go... so we'll see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Just like to throw this out there. I ordered some gh cheese, arjans ultra haze #1 and the church.
None of the church germed (common problem), 1\1 cheese and haze popped and are now both 3 or 4 weeks in flower. Auh is really bushy for a pure sativa and looks as though it will be a big producer (in anothe 10 weeks when its ready) The cheese pheno i popped is definately the desireable one, its distinct odour completely overpowers the 20 odd other pplants int the flowering room with a sweet funky, parm sort of stink, i really cant wait to try it, smells like no dope ive smelled before.
long story short, Gh genetics may be "stolen" but the fact of the matter is, almost all seed companys do next to no actual breeding, so i dont hold any juvnile grudges because they advertise alot, the fact is you can get some great genetics from them, sure they might not be the "originals" but they are stable and will grow you some dank ass dope.


Active Member
you make me chuckle....one who likes to talk a lot of shit over the net as ur crutch.... u want me to bow at ur knees lol loose to extremism god damn....oh and check my grow journal....im flowering at almost 4 feet tall....1/4 ounce ur funny as fuck....my last grow was flouro tubes and cfls and got almost 2 ounces a plant....i'll put pics of the harvest up so u can curl ur tail under

ur adding to the stereotype of ur kind


New Member
i just chopped one plant that weighed in at 9oz m8 the stump of my plant probably weighs the same as your last harvest. go play with your flouros and 4ft beanstalks silly boy


Active Member
well i guess i love these HPS bean stalks then...so yea i'd recommmend GHS people....sativa dominant Super Silver Haze 3 time CC winnning strain

pics r from diff. times during the veg cycle (MH)...and a couple while under the 12/12 flowering hps ( just within a week switched the lights)...plus a couple toddlers still vegging for a while...i dunno people...a nice autoflowering strain...with 18% thc easy to grow.... and i got money on this thing being over a 1/4 + maybe 1/2lb harvest cus shes got another 10 weeks of flowering to do

especially nice when a friend likes to "offer" $6400 for a LB of this....

this strain so far has exceeded my needs....

but god damn does GHS seeds suck lol drop the opinionated extremism.

and yea its funny that 21 yr. old in one of the most respected masters of arch. programs in the u.s. out of 120 accredited schools can get an education so i can step over "certain uneducated ppl" in the streets all washed up in 2 yrs...

and you probably have 20 more years of wasted life experience on me and im pullin same results...

not too much to brag about....as i can see you appearently seek out a social life in front of a screen.

you have humbled me



Active Member
~~~"any questions pls feel free to ask but any negative comments or messing up my thread with bickering and i will give neg rep so behave lol"

sound familiar ripz? you say this in your CFL grow op....but wait werent u just makin fun of me for using flour.....na u couldn't have


New Member
yeas that does sound familiar but as for cfl's i dont know wtf u are on about the only thing i use cfls for is veg and cloning. i use 3600w of hps for flower over 420 clones wich produces around about 4 kilo of weed thats 4000 gram's not sure wtf a lb is in our system but hey if your pulling down the same weight as me good luck to ya more people that do it the better but that still doesnt make greenhouse a good seedbank , i guess we'll just have to put your choice down to your young age and lack of experience.


Active Member
lets see some pics of the supposed kilos of weed

money and some brains is a real nice combo...
the recently purchased lake acreage will get a real nice crop spread come spring...

but im sure ur kilos provide for ya enough

oh and im "on" adorall, percs....sour diesel (obviously) and no sleep since. wed. morning...im a lil tired...schoolwork really drains ya....

i dunno if u know what schoolwork and an education outside of cannibis entails. i do enjoy commentin and seeing your outbreaks and rantings in between doing some drawings at 5 am...

you entertain me...my original comment was regarding you beating a dead horse and having over half the posts on this thread bashing GHS...like i said earlier...i wonder how much ur local seedbank pays ya to "un-advertise" for arjan

they asked which GHS strain was good...not why to never buy from them lol

you bicker like a housewife...but isnt that what u were against on ur own cfl post?

i noticed u left out ur opinion on my grow....i wonder why?


Active Member
1/4 ounce cfl grow....dont assume things lol ...like u do with GHS

its a sativa...look at any other SSH grow and find me a pic of a squat SSH plant lol i thought u know all?

yea gimme 10 weeks and i'll have nice fully flowered plants too lol....im done with ur english bullshit....extremists like u bug the fuck outta me.... i'll post pics when all is said and done and i doubt i'm going to be disappointed with a 6 foot 16-17 ounce plant...

im sorry if i chose i real education also...this is merely my hobby


New Member
should have topped and trained them as it is when you go into flower they will double in height and you'll be left with plants bending over against your ceiling


Well-Known Member
if you want good genetics that are cheap check out world of seeds strains on attitude. very very stable
I hope you're right. On your recommendation, I ordered some Amnesia & Strawberry Blue. Looks like it will come with a few G13 and one BigBud, or something like that.

I'm stoked. Great prices, but very few beans in the bag. That's okay. I would prefer a 3 beans sample pack to see if I like it, instead of buying 10 and they suck.

Has anyone tried Strawberry Blue or Amnesia? Thanks.


New Member
i'm guessing thats part of they're legends collection? i personally would have stuck to the landrace strains but they should still be good. what flower time have they given for those? iof its amnesia haze in there i'd expect a long one.


Well-Known Member
i'm guessing thats part of they're legends collection? i personally would have stuck to the landrace strains but they should still be good. what flower time have they given for those? iof its amnesia haze in there i'd expect a long one.
Yes, one is in the Legends Collection. I didn't know.

World of Seeds Feminized Legend Collection Strawberry Blue
Genotype: 25% indica 75% sativa
Time of maturation: 9 weeks
Level THC: 20%
Production: 350-450 gr/m2 indoor/350-500 gr

World of Seeds Amnesia Feminized
Genetics: Ko Chang x Skunk/Cinderella 99/Jack Herer
Variety: f1 Hybrid
Type: Mostly sativa (70%)
Harvest Date: Beginning of October
Flowering Period: 9-10 weeks
THC Content: 15-20%
Resistance to Mould: Average
Resistance to Disease: Average
Location: Indoors/Outdoors/Greenhouse

They're both more Sativa, than Indica. I have some WW in the oven, so queing up some new Sativas isn't that bad. They will take a little longer to bake, but I'm trying to develop a diverse & tasty selection. It's mostly personal anyway. These are not big yielders, but that's what the "THC Bomb", from marijuana-seeds.nl, is for.


New Member
i'd expect that to take a little longer than 9 or 10 weeks mate but i'd bet it'll be some tasty dank bud. i quite fancy they're yumboldt cross in the legend collection