Which hydro setup should I buy?


Active Member
I just finished my aerogarden grow and it was pretty successful for the most part. Anyways, I feel it's time for me to step up in the hydro world. I was going to build a system myself, but I feel I would never get around to it so I'm planning on buying something. I'm working out of a closet space growing for personal use and I'm considering ebb & flow or bubbler. I plan on growing with CFL's again because I don't have good ventilation and they got the job done last time. Please take a look at these systems off ebay and let me know what you think. Also, if you have a better suggestion please let me know.



Thank you! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Active Member
either of those would work especially for a small set up like you mentioned......try one out.....you gotta try different things to get the results you want....trial and error no better way to learn


Active Member
Doing a little more research I came upon this setup http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190261054972&category=43555&_trksid=p3907.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%252BC%26itu%3DUA%252BIA%252BUCI%26otn%3D14%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D54. It has a 150 watt HPS, but do you think a closet space 4'5" wide 6' deep and 6' high with a pitched ceiling handle the heat without any ventilation besides an oscillating fan? Also, what are the advantages or disadvantages of ebb & flow vs bubblers/Drip systems? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience in buying a hydro system, I've always built my own.
But those ones on ebay look cheezy and I would look elsewhere.


Active Member
Hey guys, thanks for the responses. I'm gonna hijack my own thread and ask another question. I grew White Label White Widow which was a complete failure and Nirvana's Snow white which was amazing in my aerogarden. I'm looking to grow some new strains in one of these hydroponic systems. The White Widow grew so huge it filled the entire aerogarden reservoir with roots, got some weird disease and died, but it probably would have been amazing had it lived. The Snow white had a great taste and was extremely potent, but did not yield much. I know there are a lot of factors that contribute to yield (lighting, room, nutrients, etc), but genetics also plays a big role. Does anyone have any suggestions for a strain I can grow in my hydro system that will yield a lot of potent bud? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
that system on ebay i bought one a long time ago its a rip off.....i started with some big flower pot single units i got from worms way a long time ago they did the job great they r only 50 buck each but u can lolipop 5 plants in there easy.....but now im into weroponics and man i never seen plants grow so fast....gl...


Well-Known Member
Order the parts and build one. You can get a 'superbox' tote at kmart, lowes or walmart that has a top perfect for drip. The hardware costs about 35$ for everything. 1/2 in t connector, 4' 1/2 inch hose, 5 drip lines and a pump. 100 times better setup than those cheap assed 4$ totes they sell on ebay and pretty much indestructable. Ill take some pics of mine later when I get home. Cheaper and easier.


Active Member
that system on ebay i bought one a long time ago its a rip off.....i started with some big flower pot single units i got from worms way a long time ago they did the job great they r only 50 buck each but u can lolipop 5 plants in there easy.....but now im into weroponics and man i never seen plants grow so fast....gl...
The third system I posted is a bubbler/aeroponic type setup with a 150 watt hps. I like the idea of getting a lot of oxygen to the roots and the simplicity of a bubbler. I asked the seller about each system and he even said "the bubblers maximize the potential of plants and the rest of the systems are just for show." Thanks for the info!


Active Member
Order the parts and build one. You can get a 'superbox' tote at kmart, lowes or walmart that has a top perfect for drip. The hardware costs about 35$ for everything. 1/2 in t connector, 4' 1/2 inch hose, 5 drip lines and a pump. 100 times better setup than those cheap assed 4$ totes they sell on ebay and pretty much indestructable. Ill take some pics of mine later when I get home. Cheaper and easier.
Originally I was going to build one, but I couldn't find a solid DIY tutorial. I'd appreciate it if you can take some pictures of your setup. What strains are you guys growing in these systems? Thanks!