which is the better light setup


Well-Known Member
haha good luck with that everyone thinks their setup is better or more efficient. wish i could help.

4020 team

I would agree with Hotrod 90+ % of the time. There are "some" circumstances where B may be more beneficial. Room/grow area size. Ventilation/cooling, size of plants, style of grow, etc. If you want to give more info on your particular situation I/we could try giving you a better informed "opinion"..


^True. Would also like to add that a 70 watt HPS isn't as efficient as a 250 watt HPS... which isn't as efficient as a 400 watt HPS. Pretty sure the 600\800 watt systems are the most efficient (most lumens per watt), with 1000 watt bulbs being slightly less than.


Well-Known Member
Keep it simple. Less equipment = less bulbs to replace = less failures = less headaches

A) 400HPS - That baby will take care of business