which led would you choose hlg spider

what led would you get if you could get any

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I never said bars run hotter i simply explained that heat can be easily removed from a room or a tent with sufficient exhaust and airflow, pretty simple well known fact for anyone who has ever grown indoors... never mentioned a single temperature or which one was hotter then the other, you are the only one listing any actual specifications for your lights in some attempt to save face that didnt need saving in the first place, look at the words homie you are the only one putting anyone or anything down, your amare's are still more expensive then any light mentioned hands down and hands down doesnt out produce any other mentioned light weight wise to ever in a million years excuse the fact it costs twice or three times as much (thats called being inefficient in business, your lights dont grow enough to make up for the extra over head, that is simple fucking math) and at an added $400-600 per light thats money lossed per pound grown and if its not getting sold its more money spent towards the same harvest again just a loss in over head spent to grow the herb, pound per dollar these lights wouldnt make a budget or a big order, these are test lights for homegrowers because a real company would put up de's call it a day and produce real weight something you clearly know nothing about, your efficiency talks would be a little different if you needed 10 lights, 10g's and for what? No more weight then 10 de's and those at 3g's per 10 is a much more efficient buy and way less over head, simple equation and solution...
Growers dont care about a power bill, why do you think commercially produced herb is produced under thousands of wattage of HID lights, because at a fraction of the cost you can put way more light up in a space for less and produce exponentially more weight with the extra 20 lights you could purchase for a total of 30 1000w de's or 10 800w bar 8's and at that many lights your talking 100lbs of harvest under de's or 30lbs under your bar 8's lol and that guy clearing 100lbs of herb gives zero shits about the electric bill, roughly about 5g's a month (fact) with the ac units and other equipment running... so yeah what numbers can you produce with your lights cause unless its 5grams per watt its never going to be an optimal buy for anyone producing real numbers or growing on a larger scale then a tent. Go away you troll, do we need admin on here again to spank you and tell you off because you are an RIU pain in the ass and you piss everyone off in your wake? Seriously saw you get spanked by admin, told you werent special, and to chill out lol... by all means keep on trollin and hating i see thats all you do on here
You are so lost i think it impossible for you to repeat the facts. Only reverse every good thing about the lights in attempt to make them look bad. Its all the other way around dude. You must be new.
So you're saying the Bars run hotter then normal? Lmao! After everyone here accuses them of over-engeniering & the Bar-8 runs 40-50• f, cooler then anything else in my room.
Also, it detaches, slides, pivots & is the most versatile unit available.
Bar-6 splits in 2 , each having full control over the individual Bar-3's because they have their own drivers.
All these facts are the opposite of what you're saying. Why???
Growers dont care about a power bill, why do you think commercially produced herb is produced under thousands of wattage of HID lights, because at a fraction of the cost you can put way more light up in a space for less and produce exponentially more weight with the extra 20 lights you could purchase for a total of 30 1000w de's or 10 800w bar 8's and at that many lights your talking 100lbs of harvest under de's or 30lbs under your bar 8's lol and that guy clearing 100lbs of herb gives zero shits about the electric bill, roughly about 5g's a month (fact) with the ac units and other equipment running... so yeah what numbers can you produce with your lights cause unless its 5grams per watt its never going to be an optimal buy for anyone producing real numbers or growing on a larger scale then a tent. Go away you troll, do we need admin on here again to spank you and tell you off because you are an RIU pain in the ass and you piss everyone off in your wake? Seriously saw you get spanked by admin, told you werent special, and to chill out lol... by all means keep on trollin and hating i see thats all you do on here
You are so lost i think it impossible for you to repeat the facts. Only reverse every good thing about the lights in attempt to make them look bad. Its all the other way around dude. You must be new.
So you're saying the Bars run hotter then normal? Lmao! After everyone here accuses them of over-engeniering & the Bar-8 runs 40-50• f, cooler then anything else in my room.
Also, it detaches, slides, pivots & is the most versatile unit available.
Bar-6 splits in 2 , each having full control over the individual Bar-3's because they have their own drivers.
All these facts are the opposite of what you're saying. Why???
The first 2 pics are the specs for the bar 8, the other 6 are the specs from the sf-4000 @ 215.00 USD a light and 113.00 USD shipping, 4 of these and the shipping is cheaper then one bar 8 at 1000 USD, both use samsung 301b's and both have added 660nm and 760nm, so buying 4 of the sf-4000 copies would equal 2 bar 8's have more coverage and more weight yielded in harvest... your lights are trash even at $1000 each lol, simple math...
This is pointless hybryd, you say lost but heat in a room is taken care of by an ac or a good air exchange system and sufficient airflow, fact, your amare lights are expensive also fact, more expensive then any light asked about and again also fact, as far as what harvest can be produced under a light yours makes too little difference to make up its added cost compared next to what the other lights will produce again a fact, what do you pull from a bar 6, how about a bar 8? Question again was whats more bang for less buck not more buck for same bang... im not saying your lights dont grow but it doesnt fit the budget clearly or it would not have been asked ahead of purchase on a weed growing forum, they are trying to save money and get some decent yeild... if they had said whats the most expensive light i can buy right now for the same yeild then by all means promote these things to people who dont care about the budget... ps i have not relisted any facts you posted about your light i gave examples of dollar amounts and compared costs, even your bar 6 isnt worth its dollar amount to wattage output and its rediculously priced (thats all i ever said about the amare lights, never once said they didnt work well now did i, must be you feel like defending it for a reason?) Again here you are basically pushing this light down the neck of this thread and not allowing anyone to make up there own mind, you spend your entire time on here trolling around like a digital snake waiting to spew your venom anytime someone doesnt agree with you.
Sure your right. Lol! They are less or equally expensive so where's these examples of cost vs other lights you speak of? And you get more, much more, not less like you keep saying.
Ill leave. My point has been made to those who read non-selectively.
That is not true either. Lol! Only the uv has a switch on this demo model. Uv will be on a dimmer too. All the rest dim.
Where are these switches you refer to?
I thought you said they were all independently able to turn off? Guess not. So dimming with all diodes Huh? Is that going to be one single master dimmer that dims all of the diodes as a whole, or separate dimmers for each one? If so, which diode types will be on a dimmer?
Your facts are still off man. You are confused because i answered questions about the Bar-8 & Bar-6. Two totally different builds for different markets of growers.
IF it exists for less money pls show me where?. If there is higher quality pls show me from who? If there is a better backed warranty pls lmk? If its custom built pls lmk.
If it gets upgrades made everytime new tech hits too, pls lmk. If its ip-67, certs, thermal mngmt is equal or better, pls lmk?
Do , Pls lmk!?? If you can build it for less, pls show me how? Cuz I've tried.
So far everything i have informed you two about this light, Airwalker has managed to scew into his false reports as he does allot w/o holding or using the product he's hating on or recommending.
AirWalker, you've been doing so well, why are you selectively reading & spouting back non-sense instead of asking me if you're confused?
You're putting words in my mouth. Show me once where ive been "spouting nonsense". Plus, i have asked questions. Everytime. But above all. Why am I suddenly "not doing so well" in your eyes (lol) if I question your God, Amare? Or if I try to pick apart a pre-built fixture?
You need to stop being so hostile dude.
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The first 2 pics are the specs for the bar 8, the other 6 are the specs from the sf-4000 @ 215.00 USD a light and 113.00 USD shipping, 4 of these and the shipping is cheaper then one bar 8 at 1000 USD, both use samsung 301b's and both have added 660nm and 760nm, so buying 4 of the sf-4000 copies would equal 2 bar 8's have more coverage and more weight yielded in harvest... your lights are trash even at $1000 each lol, simple math...
Smoked in 3 yts if your lucky.
Buy Mars. IDK. Obviously you missed all the thermal mngmt talk, L+B rating discussing & how much more $ top-bin colors are. Much more colors.
For the cost of production vs the cost of sale, your getting ripped off by SF.
i said I'm done but saw that. You only proved my point to those with more knowledge then yourself. Peace Out! GoodLuck. Don't forget to upgrade every yr too.
You dunno about Mars Par Charts hu?
I never said bars run hotter i simply explained that heat can be easily removed from a room or a tent with sufficient exhaust and airflow, pretty simple well known fact for anyone who has ever grown indoors... never mentioned a single temperature or which one was hotter then the other, you are the only one listing any actual specifications for your lights in some attempt to save face that didnt need saving in the first place, look at the words homie you are the only one putting anyone or anything down, your amare's are still more expensive then any light mentioned hands down and hands down doesnt out produce any other mentioned light weight wise to ever in a million years excuse the fact it costs twice or three times as much (thats called being inefficient in business, your lights dont grow enough to make up for the extra over head, that is simple fucking math) and at an added $400-600 per light thats money lossed per pound grown and if its not getting sold its more money spent towards the same harvest again just a loss in over head spent to grow the herb, pound per dollar these lights wouldnt make a budget or a big order, these are test lights for homegrowers because a real company would put up de's call it a day and produce real weight something you clearly know nothing about, your efficiency talks would be a little different if you needed 10 lights, 10g's and for what? No more weight then 10 de's and those at 3g's per 10 is a much more efficient buy and way less over head, simple equation and solution...
Ok, just under or over 4 plates (still gotta tally) off x2 plants under one Bar-8 is knowing nothing about pulling weight.
Comparing every spectrum & popular light out does not tell me anything hu? For 6+ yrs at that. Let it go bro. AliBaba Away! Only tried to help.
Like i said, 1.26/w or 1.63/w. Show me the better quality for the lessor cost. Even msrp, show me???
I see the HlG 550v2 Rspec is winning. In my opinion that panel is to small(26" x 20"), I think you want to use it to light a 4x4 tent or something like that, for that purpose you could buy 3 sets of qb132 and 2 HLG-320H-C1400 drivers and connect 6 in series in each driver. That way you would have a 2.79umole/Js efficiency, this is great efficiency and you would also have great light distribution. For the 3 sets of QB 132 you would pay $405 and for the 2 drivers $172 for a total of $577. You would also need to buy some wagon and build a frame but you would get an awesome light with super efficiency and distribution for less than $600. This particular setup would run at 564 watts and have a ppfd =(564x2.79)/1.49=1056ppfd. Much higher than the hlg 550 v2 rspec.
For the win
I voted for other but would have picked the HLG
The reason I voted other is the 30% price drop HLG made on these
All you would need to do is build a frame, and buy the correct amount, add drivers for a DIY build. The last time HLG had a sale like this it was the v1 boards. They were selling them at cost to liquidate inventory which is what I assume is being done here. It seems like a really solid board.

if you wanted to really DIY The shit out of these look at how timber daisy chains are wired and try to copy that. Those timber lights are slick as fuck!

don’t forget if going with hlg use the diy10 or riu10 discount code
I like it. I especially like that you staggared the spectrums to provide a more balanced spread. I suggested this to Amare way back when, but SMDs are a vg option and cheaper for mass maketing applications, like Amare.

don’t know the production costs but with these 18 cxb1830s i get incredibly good distribuiton (40K lux on the edges and 55K lux in the mids at optimum height of 30cm) and because each one runs at 25w i still get good penetration from each diode which i think sometimes becomes a problem with hlg boards and smds. Especially when you don’t defol.
with the spectrum i aimed to try and keep the mids shorter. logically the mids are getting the most light and they will in turn grow faster compared to the outer branches. So by using 2 6500K right in the middle i was aiming to keep the mids smaller and the 6 3000K diodes surrounding those two are there to provide a warmer colour to the branches surrounding the middle. Well you get it.
So i’d rather diy this fixture with 3 100cm thin aluminim slabs with 6 very cheap fans attached to each to keep them cool than to get a 4 board setup.
This pulls about 480 from the wall and provides about 450w after driver loss. I cheaped out on the drivers haha but i’ll upgrade in the future. I don’t think about designing a new fixture that’s how satisfied i am with it. The bars are not attached to a frame, so i can adjust their height individually which comes in handy in my multi strain grows (which is my every grow).

Here is a jornal from RIU that did pretty decent under an sf-2000 in a 32x32x63 tent growing in a coco perilite mix, the persons second grow ever...

Ok, just under or over 4 plates (still gotta tally) off x2 plants under one Bar-8 is knowing nothing about pulling weight.
Comparing every spectrum & popular light out does not tell me anything hu? For 6+ yrs at that. Let it go bro. AliBaba Away! Only tried to help.
Like i said, 1.26/w or 1.63/w. Show me the better quality for the lessor cost. Even msrp, show me???
@hybridway2 will there be a cannaspec LUV? How are you calculating $1.26/w? Even at $950 and 720w it’s still $1.32/w and at $1250 it’s $1.73/w. You kept doing that with the bar8 with the 25% discount, don’t get me wrong I love my bar8 but it was still pricey at $1.87/w even with the discount.
my HLG strip build was cheaper by a few hundred and 160w more, but I do think I like Amare more, however your used car salesman vibe is a big turn away.
Finally found an amare copy on alibaba. Two whites, red/ir, blue and Uv on similar looking heat sinks And two channels, but only 640w at $500 plus shipping.
Sure your right. Lol! They are less or equally expensive so where's these examples of cost vs other lights you speak of? And you get more, much more, not less like you keep saying.
Ill leave. My point has been made to those who read non-selectively.

Question: Has the guy calling you a troll (ROFLMAO) bashing a light he has NEVER used, and yet posts multiple times attempting to defend his ignorance?
@hybridway2 will there be a cannaspec LUV? How are you calculating $1.26/w? Even at $950 and 720w it’s still $1.32/w and at $1250 it’s $1.73/w. You kept doing that with the bar8 with the 25% discount, don’t get me wrong I love my bar8 but it was still pricey at $1.87/w even with the discount.
my HLG strip build was cheaper by a few hundred and 160w more, but I do think I like Amare more, however your used car salesman vibe is a big turn away.
Finally found an amare copy on alibaba. Two whites, red/ir, blue and Uv on similar looking heat sinks And two channels, but only 640w at $500 plus shipping.

IMHO, it's comical that people get hung up on <$2/w prices. I still use my original BML SPYDR 600 from 2014, which is ~ 360w and retailed (no discount) for $1000= $2.77/w
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