which light would you pick? (budget)

How big a space are you going to light?

For budget, a HPS/MH system with a MH bulb will probably be your best bet. How big depends on how big a space you are lighting.
t5 will do a lot more plants . a good 8 bulb 4 footer the way to go . if just a few plants then the 400 watt . the 150 watt is worthless
I have 2 of the 150s, they aren't garbage, but your girls will stretch with the hps, if you don't care about stretching and budget matters....
Otherwise 400mh

But then you might have heat issues? Got fans? More money....
On the cheap cfls @ dollar store

I like 600 hps/ mh digital ballast set ups mine are air cooled fixtures so heat is not an issue right now I have thread called King led lights for a while now we been discussing led, hid, and CFL lighting maybe some conversations there might help you along wish you luck a green house grow sounds great
Not sure how great of an idea it is but i was gonna set up a small hoop house and keep the light outside on a timer for just a few hours to keep em in veg so heat shouldn't be a issue outside when its 40degrees or less. But after thats all said and done i can move it in for indo but that's awhile in the future after i can save some cash
If your just getting them ready for outdoors. Some t5 lights will be fine. Once they hit the outdoor sun, they will have all the light they ever need