which light?


Active Member
4' x 6' flood table with approx 50 plants . Is two 1000 watt hps too much ? I am going to water cool them . . . . I want high yields!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont think theres ever too much light, sounds awesome to me and would love to see a journal on that one


Well-Known Member
If any thing its not enough.. Im using 2 600 watt, (1 MH/1 HPS) and 6 150 watt hps lights with a A/C and co2 and i still think I dont have enough light and im at a total of 2100 watts... Im using smaller nights to spread the light out. I have the hps/mh on top and the 150 watt hps light on the side for full coverage.

And im using 48 plants site, pvc aero ponics set up....


Well-Known Member
Ill have pics tommor in the hydro section.

Setup is 3- 6 inch pvc, 6 ft long- 9 plants per pipe
1 7 ft long 15 inch pvc with 20 plant sites All aero, 50 gallon resivoir with a 1/6 hp 2000gph water pump. A/C. co2 and alot of light...

I painted my room white for reflection, it was cheap, no hot spots, and reflects 85% light. Good luck on your setup dawg..

Im planning on getting around around 4 pounds dry... Its going to be close....

And if your running 2k watts and 50 plants, use c02, its worth it. They sell co2 puck things for like 100 bux and its perfect for one harvest, pm me if you need more info on it. What do you plan on growing in? Rock wool?