which lights to use LED or HPS


Well-Known Member
I've grown with 2 120 watt Tri-band HTG panels.... the buds were nice and tight and full of crystals, the problem was that was only on the top of the plant. the penetration is lower and yields are lower because of it. Go with HID, you'll get bigger harvests. Now if you are in a smal closet with no ventilation.... or a small box grow...... then LED may be up your alley.


Some very interesting replies and it seems like i'm going to be reading up alot more!

I was looking around and the cheapest LED light I could find which was 240w was $399. Providing it lowers the energy costs and generates less heat I would say the investment is well worth it. Only issue now is that I think with a larger grow you would require more lights using LED than HPS so the cost is still going to be increased.

Will keep reading and update when I have anything to report.


Well-Known Member
Some very interesting replies and it seems like i'm going to be reading up alot more!

I was looking around and the cheapest LED light I could find which was 240w was $399. Providing it lowers the energy costs and generates less heat I would say the investment is well worth it. Only issue now is that I think with a larger grow you would require more lights using LED than HPS so the cost is still going to be increased.

Will keep reading and update when I have anything to report.
Be sure the light actual runs on 240w by calling them up and asking them how many watts it will add to your bill each hour. Just go watt for watt LED with HID


Well-Known Member
unfortunetly leds are a good example of how to deal with businesses. (that double the power of hps crap that just about Every vendor told about)

one dude said, trust but verify.

unfortunetly business operates in such a way, that that needs to be amended bit.

verify, then trust.

leds seem to be good for smaller spaces or as sidelighting, their price, well, you´d probably spend about as much on cfls by the time the leds burned out, so probably similar price in the end.


Well-Known Member
quality LEDs are worth the money if you can afford them. Cheap ones produce cheap results. Finding the perfect light depends on your situation. For me, it was LED and I can't imagine ever using hps. The only way you'll know for sure if LEDs are right for you is to try them. But I can promise you that as more people become aware of benefits and results of newer LEDs, you will start to see more widespread adoption. I've already seen a great increase in LED grows pop up just in the past month or two.