which lights


Active Member
i have a t5 set up for vegging and a 400 hps for budding but it sounds like i would be better off using the 400hps from start to end. looking for a few thoughts on which is best


Active Member
says the light has a blue spectrum in it. just figured the t5 stays cooler so u can keep it closer so no stretching

the widowman

Well-Known Member
use the t5 for veg then the 400w HPS for budding keeping them bushy is the trick then lollipop them you've got the right IDEA man!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, which bulbs do you have for that T-5?
My point I'm getting at is, do you have both sets, vegging and flowering bulbs?

If it were me, I'd use the T-5 for vegging and both lights for flowering, even if I only had the vegging light bulbs, I'd still use it during flowering, as side lighting. Hang it on the wall, facing your plants during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I've never actually used a T-5. I almost bought one, but opted for HID lighting instead. I believe you have to keep it pretty close, like 3 inches away, but you should double check this info, as I'm old and my memory stinks sometimes. LoL