Active Member
I know sometimes you are not supposed to believe everything someone tells you say like on youtube. I saw some method that he would put them in a strainer (one of those small metal ones). With a wet wash rag covering it after all is set he would put it under a faucet and let it drip warm water. He said it cracked like 20 seeds in 12 hrs not sure if its true. I am thinking of giving this a try last time I used two small espresso coffee cups one had water and the second one was stacked on top. Took forever and when I put them in dirt they never came out even after 4 weeks of trying lol.
I also have a question should the tap root be 1/2 inch long when they are ready to transplant into say rockwool or potting soil?
i planted both right when they cracked and like half in long and they are growing beautifully. u really could just put the seed in the medium and it could grow like they naturally do but it is better to germ first. i dont think u should let the root get too long as u mught damage it while planting it in the medium. but im not an expert, that is just what has worked for me.