Which nutrient line is the best?


You only need to run the basics. Personally I would recommend cutting out Zyme & Ryzofuel, that'll save you a few hundred bucks and your reservoir will stay clean longer, ryzofuel really muddies up the waters lol.

I've ran General Hydroponics, Heavy 16, House & Garden, FloraFlex, Canna, Green Planet, Botanicare and landed on Cyco. The end product is always really clean tasting & burning and the yield is unbeatable if you time the potash plus and swell properly. I always start hitting them with SWELL week 3 on a 8 week plant then run SWELL for the next 4 weeks then flush for 10-15 days before harvest with plain water.
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Something like Jacks 5-12-26 + Calcium Nitrate will yield results as good or better than all these fancy nutrient "Lines" with a dozen bottles.

Most people figure it out eventually.

To my understanding you need to water until heavy runoff with Jacks due to the saltiness?
To my understanding you need to water until heavy runoff with Jacks due to the saltiness?

It's made of the same salts bottled synthetic nutes are made out of. It's just in dry form. If you read the labels on bottled nutrients the ingredients are just salts. They've just mixed them into a concentrated solution. You can go to customhydro and have them mix a custom recipe into a 2 part bottled solution at a 100:1 concentrate ratio. $15 a quart. I'm sure if you purchased enough you could get that price down. There are also other places that will mix and bottle what you want. Which I'm sure many of these companies do. They don't make anything themselves they just send over a recipe and get back bottled nutes. Slap a label on it and you're in the nutrient business.

To get a recipe just copy someone else's and change it slightly. Then market the hell out of it. Marketing will be the biggest cost.
Something like Jacks 5-12-26 + Calcium Nitrate will yield results as good or better than all these fancy nutrient "Lines" with a dozen bottles.

Most people figure it out eventually.


I have gone over to basic tomato feed and epsom salt. The results I am getting speak for themselves.
Marketing will be the biggest cost.

That and producing the packaging.

My example Oldtimers Trio. 3 bottles, when I only needed one. Then the bottles are in a fitted cardboard carrier with some fancy graphics. Then that cardboard carrier comes in a box full of foam chips. That box is wrapped in cellophane and then sealed in a plastic bag. My generic feed comes in a single bottle that I can get from any store and my epsom salts come in a waxed paper bag.

When you buy the fancy pants nutes system I reckon 20% of the cost is taken up by packaging.