Well-Known Member
Society has lost its meaning to me, and I dare say to probably most of you on here. There are two separate, yet equal sides to our society (mainly here in the west), and they are the Jones's and the Lebowski's.
The Jones's like to keep up with current events, watch the news, are interested in how they look, shop, church, 9-to-5ers, the latest trends, gadgets, etc.
The Lebowski's skirt through life, are somewhat lackadaisical, like to kick back, like beer and smoke a dube every now and then, grow out their hair, aren't concerned with saving the world or donating to charities and basically look at the world (and the Jones's) as this paranoid, out-to-lunch freak show.
My question to you is: which one are you? Are you a Jones or a Lebowski?
Or an amalgam of 2 parts Jones and 8 parts Lebowski?
The Jones's like to keep up with current events, watch the news, are interested in how they look, shop, church, 9-to-5ers, the latest trends, gadgets, etc.
The Lebowski's skirt through life, are somewhat lackadaisical, like to kick back, like beer and smoke a dube every now and then, grow out their hair, aren't concerned with saving the world or donating to charities and basically look at the world (and the Jones's) as this paranoid, out-to-lunch freak show.
My question to you is: which one are you? Are you a Jones or a Lebowski?
Or an amalgam of 2 parts Jones and 8 parts Lebowski?