Which one is better ?

I have Alaska Fish Fertilize and Earth Juice. Which one would you use and why?:confused: IMG_0396.jpg

I ask because I'm not sure which one to use also does anyone know if they would work good mixed ?


Well-Known Member
Use a mixture. They both pretty much got the same stuff, but Alaska Fertilize has more N in it which is great for a young plant that is in vegetative stage.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
The Alaska fish fertilizer seems to be the simpler options, you have a fertilizer, and a bloom formula

The Earth Juice, have more options within their product line, though how much products do you plan on buying ?

AFF is simpler, EJ has more options if you think you need them

Earth juice, you have the catalist, microblast .. more ..

What strains are you growing ?

Some strains don't like strong nutes .. I would study the strains I'm about to grow, and then get the right nutrients for them
I'm growing HeadBand OG, Larry OG, and OG lol I know that's lot of OG. Well I just go the EJ today and the Larry OG and OG too so the Headband has been getting AFF. I was also wondering of I should keep the headband on AFF. Will the plant get messed up if I switch nuts on it ?
Well I'm planting on just useing the EJ and AFF for now and then I have this other nuts for the flower that's call chan ching and it's 9-50-10 those are all the nuts I can get for now.