Which plants to keep?


Well-Known Member
I just started a few gorilla glue #4s. This is my first grow ever. I have ten that are a little over a week old and I’m only keepin two. I know that sounds dumb but I read that gg#4 is really prone to being a hermie so I figure at least 2 out of ten gotta be female. Any info on picking the best ones to keep would be appreciated

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
Flower them out atleast once and keep the 1 that stands above the rest. Things to watch:

Resin coverage
Trimming ease
Flower duration
Herm tendencies
Resistance to pests
Cloning ease


Well-Known Member
Well this was kind of a spontaneous grow, got my hands on a wholeee lot of good seeds, kind of just went for it. I have a small space but have been reading a lot about screen of green growing and that gg is good for that, for two plants how much space do I need? There about a week old (from when they popped out of the soil) and are starting to start another set of leaves (not counting the two they started with) and are about 8 inches tall. All of them are a reallll nice green and look healthy although some are bigger than the rest. How much room would I need to do the screen of green with all of them? I heard if I start to flower them sooner and veg less I won’t need to worry as much about space?

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
2’x2’ would be almost as small as you would want to go for a 1 plant scrog, maybe 16”x16” for an indica flowered early.
I don’t know how big your spot is but remember you could keep bonsai moms of them all and then flower out sexually mature cuttings in a sea of green. Then each plant takes up just a 6”square.