Which Politician Truly have the Fiscal Policy that will fundamentally meet the needs

Whose Fiscal Policy do you think will fundamentally meet the needs of the Nation?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Independents

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • None

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Fiscal Question of Political Party

Which Politician Truly have the Fiscal Policy that will fundamentally meet the needs of the Nation without exploiting the Federal Budget?

What would the federal budget look like without ‘confound variables’ (unforeseeable unbudgeted events that need inclusion?)

such as the effects of September 11, 2001, as in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, natural disasters such as Katrina and the other Hurricanes of the past 7 years and the floods of the Midwest and the east, the bush fires of the west and the likes.

Is Obama’s Fiscal Policy Really Healthy (for the Youth)?

Obama 666 Fiscal Policy lacks real fiscal prosperity because its doesn’t have fiscal discipline, fiscal structure, and most importantly fiscal foresight.

I truly believe it’s important for potential voters to look beyond the popularity and hype of these 2008 presidential elections and look to the principles and deeds of the candidates. I truly see these times as very apex (“Jordan Crossing” like) and needs more substantial scrutiny, deeper then the peer pressuring and the popularity; I also encourage this because I believe there is a mental stronghold being transmitted through much of the media and in dreams/nightmares and coast to coast (and everywhere in between) ventriloquism and the likes, thus clogging mental clarity.

Who can you undoubtedly Trust for the Job when you put it to real thought?.

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru your loved ones,
Mark Daniels
[email protected]
Consulting that Lasts Eternity : Welcome


Well-Known Member
Are you asking with regards to the individual candidates, or with regards to the parties? You'll get two very different answers from me depending upon yours. Your poll is party-specific (can't work with that), yet your post is candidate-specific.

However, let me start by going with the post itself, ignoring the poll. Obama HAS no fiscal plan, no fiscal responsibility, and really, no grounding in reality. How does he plan to pay our underpaid troops? How does he plan on continuing to pay them AND increase our ground troop strength by OVER 100,000 men and women? That's the first hat trick, but it won't be his last.

McCain, was OWNED by Ron Paul during last year's debates. He himself admits he doesn't know much about economics.

Can you guess who my candidate is?


Well-Known Member
Reading comprehension is important, even when we're stoned. What did I say up there, again? :lol:

Sometimes you make the BEST straight man, med, seriously. :D


Well-Known Member
Libertarians are the only ones that care about fiscal policy. Dems like to tax the shit out of people,repubs like to borrow money from there buddies over seas to kepp the country floating. My personal opinion is we should just file banckruptcy and screw the world banks.


New Member
Republicans need to get back to their roots of fiscal responsibility, cutting the size of government and returning to constitutional governance.

The Democrats are lost.
