which riu member do you want to smoke with most???

I just really really really hope the cops realize they have WAYYY bigger fish to fry than some stoners tryna meet and have some fun. Because they definitely do….
no pot bust get them headlines and if the confiscate vehicles and money the department gets to keep it that why here they are pulling people over left and right on interstate

I just really really really hope the cops realize they have WAYYY bigger fish to fry than some stoners tryna meet and have some fun. Because they definitely do….
Shit i am willing to take the chance again. come on whatrs the worst they would do to us? give us a ticket if we dont have our card? Sorry but not like i would be taking lbs with me to the meet.
shit the cops will show up undercover so we gotta show up undercover we all show up dressed like cops.... they'll never suspect it... as long as they dont read this post...
don't say your vaginas dirty!! i thought it was a pristine, beautiful place

nom nom nom<3

so clean it squeeks, or maybe that was a quiff.

I'd luv to smoke with 1 person from every age group (20s 30s 40s 50s etc) just for fun
You could always start at the retirement village...

Thank you.

wow, what makes u think something like that is clever or funny? have we ever chatted? no!! watch your comments buddy. Grow up and learn to respect people you don't know!
Shut your mouth, can't take a joke it seems. Not even gonna waste my time talking to a trap like you.

Sorry sweety i'm one bitch u don't wanna fuck with lmfao.
ask many people on this site i can take a joke and dish one . You pathethic comments were not a "joke" u are the joke for copying Kodank's avatar!!
Your comments were nothing more than some 19yr loosers bitter words because he is alone tonight and has no idea how to talk to a women. So you shut your mouth lmfao i prefer mine wide open..... ( enter poonjoons smart ass remark here)
Actually I have a daughter. 2...I appoligize if it sounded disrespectful, I really meant nothing by it....Third as proven in another thread I have had this avatar before kodonk, seeing as you have only been here since sept (I was out of the country since then)..your opinion on whom had the avatar first holds no weight....

Again I appoligize if I offended, but seriously, look through my posts, I never disrespect anyone...