Which seed should i buy?


Well-Known Member
I'd take the time to do the research on things like how big they will get, depending on your particular situation, and I'm pretty sure any offspring of G13, which I DO have vast experience with, would be better suited for an indoor application... Do yo have the means to support huge plants, i.e., a treslling system to support large, heavy colas, like those of Tangerine Dream, which I would recommend for outdoors? You know what I mean? Which plants are better suited to fight off pests like one would run into outside in whatever climate you may be in... Things of that nature... Large Sativa dominant starins are ones I'd be looking at for my region, and I'd be shittin' in high cotton, so to speak, if I were able to grow trees outside where I am...


Active Member
all those strains are high matinance...where do u live and how much work do u plan on doin in the garden? sour D pry be the easyer grow


Active Member
Yeah all those plants are very high matinance...I lived in ny so sour d is over played for me, and i never liked it in the begining, pluss its more of an inside strain to grow. my favorite haze is silver, but g-13 is also nice and cause its a haze i believe u would need s good amount of knowledge to grow it, but it would do great outdoors. White widdow seems like the easiest to grow out of all them, but i would suggest that indoors...but in the end i would pick juicy fruit to grow, but ofcourse anything regarding a juicy taste id grow indoors....

If u want to grow outdoors, look into Big bug, it grows like a tree, and best strain to get the most and not that advanced of a grow, afgan strains always do good