Which Seedbank is best for CANADA?


Active Member
weird they are rated bad on there....well I guess it comes down to if you live in USA order seeds from the USA if you live in Canada order seeds from Canada....The border is the biggest rip off artist for sure you take a huge chance when it comes through customs!!!!...I have had legal gun parts sit there for months I ordered from the USA.


Well-Known Member
BC Seed King accepts credit cards and I got my order from them in two days. So far I've popped 17 of their beans with 100% germination.


Well-Known Member
BC Seeds looks like an F2 producer, except for the S1s of course. For people new to picking strains an F2 AK47 from a company who used a Serious male AK47 and female AK47 for breeding will not be the same as Serious' breeding of some combination of Colombian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani to make AK 47 seeds.

"F2 crosses are the offspring of crossing two F1 hybrids. This means that they will not be uniform nor
will they breed true."

I know nothing about these guys, they may be fantastic, but if you find that you're getting a lot of hermies, plants that won't finish, low potency or resin production ... it may be the F2s.






Active Member
I didnt take chem or bio ...lol all i want is a good strain female with 100% germinate good dank, and good harvest


Well-Known Member
If they're taking the fem seeds off an original clone they've got the best genetics possible for S1s of that strain.

They say they've been going since 1998, probably pretty trustworthy to stay in business this long. The genetics must be OK.

I stand by my F2 concerns.




Active Member
all that shits confusing to me lol heres my space and time
5ft by 5ft 7ft --height - celar high humidity.
9 weeks max ......... good yeild ........what strain and how many should I grow


Well-Known Member
"all that shits confusing to me lol"

Me too, I've just been picking up bits and pieces so I can know what it all means.

What kind of high/stone do you want?

Soaring, euphoric, trippy, couchlock, spacey, no ceiling, social, contemplative ... ? So much in the Seedbank description about everything but that, maybe a few words or one line. The high/stone should be the first thing they're talking about.

"how many should I grow: 5' x 5' x 7' = 25 sq ft x 50 W HID / sq ft = 1,250 W HID use a 1000 and get some UV side or floods. My grow area is 4.5' x 4.5', I can put a 2' x 2' hydro unit in the center and JAM 12 x 5 gallon buckets with tomato cages on the outside. I can hold 16 x 12" clones or 8 x 24" clones in the hydro unit. I like just 8 plants and 8 clones. In 5' x 5' you could squeeze in 16 double topped plants, in 5 gallon buckets, if you had tomato cages. Fewer plants and more space between the plants will let light get to the lower branches and develop more bud.

Get good reflection on your walls - white paint or Reflectec is good.

You can grow anything with that height, with a bit of height training. Cellar's a good spot, check the windows from the outside with the light on. Humidity shouldn't be a big problem, get a dehumidifier if it is. I've read that dry air promotes trichnome growth but haven't read a conformation.

" 9 weeks max ... good yeild ... what strain"

White Widow, Northern Lights, AK 47, Endless Sky, Trainwreck, an autoflower, ...

Pick the kind of high you want first.




Active Member
Looking for highest yeild with a medium high .. giggly stoned yet functional.
iight planing to use
2 1000w hps lights,
get a couple mini fans ,
Aqua Globes or digital water timer,
light timer digital,
temp ,humidity, carbon and ph reader,
some grade A soil and ph balance water and nutes.
AeroGarden Space Saver 6 Grow Pod

might need other stuff but yeaa..


Active Member
i think i can use cool whites for vegge and warm whites for flowering .... i think not sure my first indoor grow but i know quiet a bit bout gardenning