Which strains are ripe with white hairs?


Hey RIU,

I've heard that a few cannabis strains don't get amber hairs, that they stay white when they're ripe. I'm wondering which ones stay white. I have a Blue Dream Haze clone that's about 6' tall. I started growing it as a tiny clone on May 4, 2010, so it has been growing for 4 months on my balcony. It has no amber hairs at all! So... I'm wondering if it's going to turn amber in the next week or so or what. Anyone familiar with this strain?



i dont know what it is but that plant has a problem. its most likely root bound too. and looks like its only been flowering a week or two.


Well-Known Member
what i can tell you from the pic is its certainly not ready, or even close for that matter. also i see some bad white spots on the leaves have you checked into that?
Yeah, I don't think it's ready either. I've seen some pics of Blue Dream Haze buds - albeit old ones - and they do have amber hairs on them. Any idea when it'll be ready?

The white spots are called powdery mildew. I leave near the beach, so it's a constant fight. When the plant is in the flowering stage, you can't spray the buds. You have to spot treat the leaves with Neem Oil and it's a tedious process, especially when you have lots of plants/lots of leaves.

If you know of a curative/preventative for powdery mildew, please let me know. Two days ago I tried something called Agri-Fos and it may work.


Well-Known Member
i think neem is organic and if not theres others that are and i know its supposed to be avoided during flowering stage but its okay early-on which i think you are (first half of flowering). i think your half way there.
Neem is organic. They say you should avoid Neem in the flowering stage, mainly because you don't want to spray anything on the plant in that stage because it will increase the amount of moisture in the buds and cause them to mold/rot. However, spot treating works and I find it takes a little bit of the smell away. I haven't noticed any negative effects from spot treating with it in the flowering stage - not on the leaves, the trim, the yield or the taste.