which strains can handle the heat?


Well-Known Member
in summer here it regularly gets up over 100 with a few weeks of 110 and over. its also a fairly dry heat most of the time, low humidity and not much rain.
we've only ever grown bagseed before and usually mid summer our plants tend to take a hard hit from the heat, they pull through but we lose a lot of growth because of it.
what would be some good strains to grow in these conditions?


Well-Known Member
i had 12(?) strains outdoors this year. temps 100+ throughout the summer. as long as i kept them watered they all did very well.


Well-Known Member
we started a few plants a lot earlier this time so hopefully if theyre a bit older and larger theyll handle the heat better than the smaller ones did last year.
im looking into buying some seeds and just want to get something that has a better chance of handling the heat, yet still fairly strong. yields dont matter as itll be a big bush come harvest anyway and we'll be cloning it and flowering indoors aswell.