Which way is best?


Active Member
Germming is super easy! All you need is a seed, a paper towel, a little water and a sandwich baggie. Wet the towel, place seeds on it, fold it over, put in baggie, keep warm, dark and moist. 48 hours later everything that will germ will have.


Well-Known Member
i learned the paper towel method in elementary school it works! but since i read a kyle kushman hightimes story in 94' been using the shot glass method IMO its the easiest/low maintenance way to germ seeds. soak them for 24hrs, seeds that sink i poke a 1/2" hole with a pen tip in pre-moistened soil, plant with the flat side of the seed facing up, and cover with a tiny bit of soil,you can place em somewhere warm in the dark,under some flos, window sill,etc., in 2 to 7 days PRESTO!!.......plus if you're "heavy-handed" like me i dont know if you want to be handling delicate root tips LOL
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put two seeds in wet towels at think half one this afternoon just checked then 22:45 and bam they have sprouted in like 10 hours :D is this a sign of good seeds? Do i put the tap root facing up or dwn ive heard both ????


Well-Known Member
I'm too lazy to do the paper towel thingy
Because then u gotta plant them and hope they take
I just plant mine. Heat mat for seedlings. Glass on top of plants to keep in humidity
That's all they need. Moisture and warmth


Well-Known Member
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put two seeds in wet towels at think half one this afternoon just checked then 22:45 and bam they have sprouted in like 10 hours :D is this a sign of good seeds? Do i put the tap root facing up or dwn ive heard both ????
Tap root in first ito your hole with the seed case just under the surface.

How abt the wet tissues in a sealable bag?
Dont know why anyone wouldsay suffocation I have germinated 15 out of 15 for my first gro just weeks ago. (Got Seeds From Attitute) Wet a paper towel that has been folded about 4x. Place seeds into middle the Seal the Ziploc.(Keeps the moisture from going anywhere) Then place in a dark supposed to be cool place but my room is always mid 90s and had no issue. Just leave in a dark place where no light will penetrate for 4 days then dont make the same mistake I Made...
Plant the roots facing down not deep at all a thumb is too deep.


Active Member
I use paper towel . Wet it but not drench it, lay tyhe seed in. Fold the paper once or twice , put it on a plate. Put the plate in a plastic carryier bag.twist it so many times that its tight enough to do a lil knot underneth the plate or just keep it done up some how... Check in 24 hrs if a bit dry spray a lil. But iv never had to. Then check the next day and hopefully u should see something.. I also leave them in my coat room which is nice and dark and not 2 cold..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Why are they a waist of time of trying diff methods is a waist of time?
becuz they will sprout in the soil and pots you are going to finish in. why transplant if no need to. i just don't understand.. but hey if you want to transplant over and over again by means go 4 it..


Active Member
It's like reinventing the wheel. You can coat it in chrome, put some spinners on it, and make them 20" tall... but in the end it's just a wheel. Use it!