Which would be better for my closet grow?

Which would be the better alternative: I can either paint my walls flat white, coat them with mylar, or buy a tent that is similar dimension to the room and place it inside? It would be for a 2'x3' if that makes a difference.

past times

Well-Known Member
I like your third option. Tent that fits inside the closet...I have had every option you mentioned... the tent I have now fits perfectly in a bedroom closet. I had to rig the ventilation into the walls and ceiling around the tent, but it is more stealth then any other options (NO light leaks whatsoever). Just my 2 cents

That said, i think I did get lucky with finding a tent that was perfect size...it was so perfect I had to build the tent inside closet. I am not sure if there is a standard closet size, but it was like they were made for each other


Well-Known Member
I would consider lining the walls with panda film. It's cheap and easy to clean/replace. I started with mylar but
didn't like it as much
If I can find a cheap 2x3 grow tent I think that's what ill be going with. Anyone have an idea what I should be paying for one/where to get a cheap/high quality one?

past times

Well-Known Member
http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-Grow-Tent---Size-S-22-x-36-x-63---Silver-Lined This is the one I got. I have always used HTG to order stuff.

the one issue with this size is height of the plants. That is a bit limited. I keep all my exhaust fans outside of the tent to save room, and have to have a vented hood to keep temps down (But I also have too big of a light - dimmable 600 watt). When all is said and done I have maybe 4.5 feet total to grow (including pot height)


Well-Known Member
I tried to put a 2x4 tent into my 5x5 closet but it was so cramped I took it down and put it up. Lined the wall with Reflectics from lowes(insulated reflective material, and will line the floors with pond liner. It Costs about the same as the tent did but it works great and looks clean. It insulates the room some and keeps the walls safe from moisture. Then hang some white panda film around the grow area.

But painting the walls with several good costs and lining the floors with pond liner is a cheaper way to go.
lol you seem to be pretty optimistic about both scenarios. I think im going to try and find a tent just because it sounds less messy and much less time consuming to set up/maintain