Which would you pick


Well-Known Member
For a few plants in a small area in my garage would you go with a cheapo hps set up from eBay or a viparspectra? Not sure which route to take but I dont have tons of money. Maybe 200 to get set up

Mass Medicinals

Well-Known Member
We went with the 600 HPS, 440 fan and filter, and 4x4 tent all by Apollo. We really have enjoyed their products. The HPS is going to be around $175 delivered w/prime.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention you should change lamps every few runs to extend ballast life. Forget light shift and fade, Faulty old lamps kill ballasts quick, I know. ;-)

iPower lamps are cheap and work great. Like 15$-20$ for 1ks.

Canadain Closet Gardener

Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of LED but the good ones cost $ unless you build your own.
Get a 600W HPS It will give you the best bang for your buck.
Check Craigslist too if your on a budget.
Then start researching how to build your own light. As much pride as you get from growing it's better if it's growing under a light you built.