Whiney ass girlfriend, PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
Shit I know 4 people getting suboxone for oxy treatment. Heroin and oxys are pretty similar there bud.
Yeah no shit but around my way you will not get them for oxycontin addiction
They won't give out a prescription pill to someone who used to abuse prescription pills


Well-Known Member
Bounce your dick off her forehead.
That cheers them up
I would never date a girl that was cheered up by having dick bounced off of her forehead. I might do it to piss a girl off though haha. She's sleeping all soundly as I squat down over her face and then bam! Bitch wouldn't know what hit her lol.


Active Member
I would never date a girl that was cheered up by having dick bounced off of her forehead. I might do it to piss a girl off though haha. She's sleeping all soundly as I squat down over her face and then bam! Bitch wouldn't know what hit her lol.
Hey,don`t hit her with it hard,Your lible to kill her.....LOL


Well-Known Member
leave her!
why be with someone whos an addict to somethin thats not tree?
if she aint willin to drop the pills then whats the point of havin a whiney bitch around?...
theres so many other girls out there who are just weed tokers!
...just speakin from a womans point of view


Active Member
I'm not trying to be a bitch but are you sure she is not taking more then what she is telling you? Maybe that is why she is freaking out about stopping?


Well-Known Member
my sister was on that shit for a few months, when she came off she withdrew for weeks.. so.. just my experience.. but I wouldn't push anybody to come off it without first talking to my doctor and her being ready for it...

EDIT: Just so you understand, she first had a meth addictio, and actually kicked it pretty easily, then developed an addiction to loratabs and what not.. which is why she was on it... but again, kicked meth no problem.. all she did was sleep, puke, and bitch when she came off suboxon.. pick your poisons carefully is all I can say


I definitely can realte on this subject....Suboxone saved my life...I at one point was so bad off with hydros I was eating about 24 10's a day, and drinking like a fish....Breakfast for me was a bottle of wine and 4 10's.....SAnyway, uboxone really did save me...the hardest part was driving to the drs while I was in hardcore withdrawal(as this is when suboxone is first administered.....Anyway, I remember being down to 1/8 of a pill just like her and deciding to stop getting refills....About 2 days into it, I started getting mild to medium anxiety issues...went to the dr...and he gave me a very mild antianxiety scrip (the drug was actually an antihistimine, i think , that helped by chance with anxiety, and I took those for a week or two before not needing them anymore...I believe the suboxone "withdrawal" was purely in my mind by then....Anyway, for what its worth, I haven't had anything stronger than a cup of coffee in almost a year, and when I think back now about where I was then, I really am lucky to be alive.....Wish yall the best of luck........

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Tec 22 - pussy ass gun. Get an SKS, or even a semi-auto 12-gauge, fuck maybe a pump-12-gauge, or a Glock 9, AK, who knows... Just talking the guns I have. Though a .45 is manlier than a 9mm, I prefer the 9mm, you can hit three guys in a second then give them the second shot to take 'em out, with the 45 you have to realign for each shot, the force is too much ha ha. Just my .02.


Well-Known Member
Tec 22 - pussy ass gun. Get an SKS, or even a semi-auto 12-gauge, fuck maybe a pump-12-gauge, or a Glock 9, AK, who knows... Just talking the guns I have. Though a .45 is manlier than a 9mm, I prefer the 9mm, you can hit three guys in a second then give them the second shot to take 'em out, with the 45 you have to realign for each shot, the force is too much ha ha. Just my .02.


Well-Known Member
awitch her to sugar pills. you can get capsules and put whatever you want in them. or kill her (j/k)
I'm bi: girls and boys are both whiny (sp?)
it's life. find a tougher girl or learn to find it cute.
I'm whiny. but change is hard