Whistleblower David Grusch interview on UFO'S

a whistleblower is someone like Edward Snowden.... these people are LITERAL government spokesman... I don't understand how people don't understand that... he even says it.. they gave him PERMISSION to say this.. why does everyone that mistrusted them for so long all of a sudden be like ooooh NOW they are telling the truth.. oh yeah with ZERO FUCKING PROOF.... "someone told me this and then the government said I could tell you.." fuck right off all of these people.. ESPECIALLY KNOWN mis information agent Lou Elezando... wooo saaaa ok thats all
Their observational data is real data,
but the mathematics of gravitational waves, IS pseudo-science.
Black holes are pseudo-science because they are illogical:
Nothing escapes the 'black hole' even if it can move at light-speed - ! But !
they claim gravitational waves move at light-speed but get emitted by BLACK HOLES ?!
How can anyone possibly accept that is real logic?

Read this and see what the data is REALLY saying:
hey man it all makes sense if you have things that are impossible oh yeah AND 90% of the mass and energy in all the math is just called "dark" because its THERE we just cant see or detect it in any way.. yeah this is all cool shhhhhh just take Alberts word for it! and WE are the ones on drugs ... geesh lolz
i need no convincing

there is a rain tank at my place near a large area of national parkland at night about 6yrs ago i thought i was tripping when i saw a medium size grey with the big eyes pop his head around the tank at about 1030pm at night and as i stopped to look he hid behind it again

i told my kids i wasnt sure what i saw but to watch out behind the rain tank at night, 2 nights later the eldest daughter sees it getting up at night

and descibes what i thought i saw

ps she said she heard rustling, thought it was me then shined the torch at it. She saw the black eyes and it had a weird mouth she dropped the torch and ran inside

apparently the stealth bomber was designed after studying the roswell wreckage
you were tripping.. but that doesnt mean you didnt see it.. but I guarantee you that thing didnt come there on a ship that traveled faster then light or through the vastness of the space between the stars to get there
If you have been paying attention to the alien/UFO phenomenon for as long as some of us have, you were quite disappointed by the latest round of "disclosure." We know nothing more about UFO's, coverups or sightings now than we did in the 60s and 70s. There have always been "whistleblowers" and what they say always amounts to the same thing.... nothing. Just speculation, accusations, and conspiracy. There is no question that things have been observed which we do not understand, but absolutely nothing that justifies going from "I don't know" to "I know it was aliens."
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that is a fact and its even more factual with a topic like this. All they do is put lots of small broken parts in front of us and say "look, its a real whole alien!", no, I don't think so. Seeing blobs, hearing stories, just not for me anymore. When Grusch is ready to give up actionable details to the proper channels I will pay attention but until then hes all talk.
In my opinion it is very arrogant for anyone to believe we are the only planet inhabited by intelligent life in the universe of an estimated 70 quintillion planets.

We truly are not that special.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that is a fact and its even more factual with a topic like this. All they do is put lots of small broken parts in front of us and say "look, its a real whole alien!", no, I don't think so. Seeing blobs, hearing stories, just not for me anymore. When Grusch is ready to give up actionable details to the proper channels I will pay attention but until then hes all talk.
Do you believe in God?