whitch type of lights to use


Active Member
i will be growing sinsemilia and want to know what kind of light to use i was wanting to use hps but wanted to know what would suit them best before i buy my lights

p.s/ i will be growing hydoponic


Active Member
i have to build a floor and insulate the walls but i just got an idea make it like a green house / insted of a tin roof i could use a transparent sheet (like tin but sheet of polyurthan(sorry for bad spelling)but would planes flying over spot the heat coming off all them plants (thoughts on this would be great) thanks


Well-Known Member
so you will need a light that produces at least 30,000 lumens. But, that is just the minimum. For that size area, forget about anything less than HID lighting. Also, sounds like you will need two lights per room, or one light on a light mover. I would recommend at least 600 watt HID's. Im not sure a light mover would be effective in a 10'x10' area, though I have never used one so i could not say for sure. My instinct tells me that you will need two lights for each grow room.


Well-Known Member
i have to build a floor and insulate the walls but i just got an idea make it like a green house / insted of a tin roof i could use a transparent sheet (like tin but sheet of polyurthan(sorry for bad spelling)but would planes flying over spot the heat coming off all them plants (thoughts on this would be great) thanks

Ummm, yeah they would not only spot the heat but they would see the lights. Besides, you won't be able to control the light cycle with a see through roof. Seal that bitch up.


Well-Known Member
i will be growing sinsemilia and want to know what kind of light to use i was wanting to use hps but wanted to know what would suit them best before i buy my lights

p.s/ i will be growing hydoponic
Ummm you do realize that sinsemilla is just another name for "without seed" & not a strain of mj i hope.

Just get an hps system that will fill the grow area & run it straight through the entire grow,i run hps systems from clone to harvest nowdays,the mh systems i own are put away & gathering dust.


Active Member
Ummm, yeah they would not only spot the heat but they would see the lights. Besides, you won't be able to control the light cycle with a see through roof. Seal that bitch up.
(no so it could grow from the sun and i wouldnt have to worry about lights


Active Member
Ummm you do realize that sinsemilla is just another name for "without seed" & not a strain of mj i hope.

Just get an hps system that will fill the grow area & run it straight through the entire grow,i run hps systems from clone to harvest nowdays,the mh systems i own are put away & gathering dust.
if there gathering dust and you have no use for them would you sell them and (if you do- what wattage)


Well-Known Member
if there gathering dust and you have no use for them would you sell them and (if you do- what wattage)
The problem with selling gear is that as soon as you sell it some other shit breaks down & you wish you still had the stuff you sold.

Im a saver :mrgreen:

Honestly it's my emergency back up gear should a ballast go out.


Active Member
The problem with selling gear is that as soon as you sell it some other shit breaks down & you wish you still had the stuff you sold.

Im a saver :mrgreen:

Honestly it's my emergency back up gear should a ballast go out.
true thinking ahead/ but got to ask could been a nice deal so yea


Well-Known Member
(no so it could grow from the sun and i wouldnt have to worry about lights

well if you want to use the sun, and not lights, then you need not worry about heat signature. I believe the heat signature comes mainly from the high intensity lights.


Active Member
naw i think i will use lights but if anyones got lights for sale would be good cause lights are well over 300$and +