White bud tips


Well-Known Member
Honestly that kind of looks like a nutrient related problem to me, got to get a little more specific on what you feed,how much,how often,water type and starting ppm ect ect.

Did the yellowing start from the top and work its way down? Or did it go the other way?


New Member
Honestly that kind of looks like a nutrient related problem to me, got to get a little more specific on what you feed,how much,how often,water type and starting ppm ect ect.

Did the yellowing start from the top and work its way down? Or did it go the other way?
The yellowing started from the bottom the nutrient are terra flores 50ml per 10ltr with the additives


Well-Known Member
The yellowing started from the bottom the nutrient are terra flores 50ml per 10ltr with the additives
From the bottom up is possibly N and/or MG, were you using terra vega before flipping the lights?

If so, did you continue using it for the first 2 weeks of flower?

If not, its easy to go overboard with P&K too soon which can slow the uptake of iron/zinc/magnesium and it will show on the hardest working plant first, high CA tap water can cause similar/same issues.

Are your other plants starting to show similar symptoms?

From what it seems like, you cut N too soon and started to high of a P&K feed too soon, that's why its good to put the history up, it really helps get to the bottom of things. What you've fed in veg,room temps room rh ect ect.

Some tools for you
MH_Light_Distance_Chart.jpg marijuana-deficiency-chart-jorge-cervantes.jpg