White Elephant

Not sure if I mentioned it, but my work has shut down. I'm coming in once a week to water the lobby plants. Good thing my wife is rich and famous, or I would be freaking out right now.

I'm doing lots of chainsaw work along the river after L is through for the day. River is full of boats. So rude of them fishing when I'm working. (note to self: Remember to look up and down the river for boats before lighting joint)
Good to see you around!
It's good to be around. I'm in the "get together" business, so no work for the foreseeable future. I've been coming in once a week to do lobby plants, but there are sometimes folks in the office, so I can't always roll it up. I'm keeping this IP address as the sole one for the account, so. . . . . . . . .

Plus with me not working, I have no free time. I'm working all day everyday (other than my two hour nap after lunch}. My RIU time is down to the bare essentials. I have a good all around sock for that.
Awesome spread you got there
Makes my home projects look simple by comparison. Wish i had that kind of land.
Thanks. We got very lucky to get it at a price we could afford.

With all the trees knocked down, it's almost impossible to get around in the woods. I have walked very little of the 23 acres. I have been working on clearing a path along the riverbank. I got everything cut and a certain amount of it cleared to the landline to the south. But that is only about 100 yards. Will take a while yet to get it cleared to the landline to the north. The wife has asked for me to clear the trail to the little beach, about 100 yards to the north, before we have a belated birthday party for her friend. (we still don;t know when that will be) I have most of it cut, but moving it takes far longer than cutting it.